Chapter 27: The Cocogoat, Adeptibeast

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<Author's Note: No, Ganyu is not a Cocogoat. Those jokes stopped being funny like... a day after people started making them. Please, at least when on my book, refrain from making those comments. Thanks! >

Ningguang: "Hmm

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Ningguang: "Hmm... you are making good progress. A little more practise and your barrier will will be a most capable platform, fit for us to stand upon... however, the longevity is still in question..."

Y/N: "sigh... And the hole in the middle of the platform... But, I suppose if we ever have a need for a ring-shaped platform for a couple seconds at best, I suppose I can help there!"

Ningguang: "Ahaha! It has only been a short while that we have been meeting like this, but I do so appreciate your... optimism."

Y/N: "Oh? Well, uh... thanks!"

Ningguang: "It is also quite humorous, just how quickly you warmed up to me. And how casual you are with me, despite my being the leading body of the Liyue Qixing."

Y/N: "w-Well, that was what you asked for me to do... right?"

Ningguang: "Indeed. I did request this, it is as you say. However, despite my requesting this, most still opt to remain formal and distant... well, except for that troublesome captain I suppose..."

Y/N: "Well, as long as I'm not overstepping my boundaries at all... I was just worrying I was too casual, I mean... I'm still meant to be just a bodyguard, right?"

Ningguang: "Do not worry, this was my request after all. And do not fret, as should you eventually overstep your boundaries, I will let you know."

Y/N: "Oh, uh... that's good! aha...ha?"

Ningguang: "As I said, you have no need for concern currently. I will warn you should you begin to overstep your boundaries. But, I believe we have reached the end of our session for today."

Y/N: "Oh? Well uh... that's a relief to hear. As uh-... if I can be honest for a moment, I was actually kinda feeling the strain from today's training!"

Ningguang: "Good. That means you are putting adequate effort into these sessions. As for your next session, it will be another Vision-training session with Miss Ganyu. I hear she has quite the extensive training planned. So be sure to get some proper rest."

Y/N: "Oh really? I'll keep that in mind. Thank you again Ningguang, for the training. I guess I should head back to the Pharmacy for now..."

Ningguang: "Ah, and one more thing. Our next meeting together will be upon the Jade Chamber. After all, we should really see if you can access ground level water upon the exquisite fortress that is my Jade Chamber."

Y/N: "Oh? The Jade Chamber, really?! ...w-Well, I suppose that makes sense.. I'm meant to be your bodyguard eventually right? But uh... it's floating up quite high, how does one actually uh-... get up there?"

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