Chapter 3: Foresight is a Vision of its own

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It was the morning after my fall into the Liyue Sea, I had fully recovered by this point from the freezing cold experience. And after thinking about it overnight I decided that yes, I did need to do something for that trickster of a girl Hu Tao to thank her for saving me - even if she was the sole reason I fell in the first place.

I had a couple of reasons for reaching this decision; for one, that Liyue was a very business-oriented nation. And as the Director of a rather longstanding business it wouldn't do well for Baizhu if the Wangsheng Funeral Parlour had issues with one of his members of staff. That and considering my amnesia I don't have the fortune to be able to ignore people with as much influence as Hu Tao has... plus, it'd be nice to find out why Qiqi hates her and to maybe mend that bridge for Qiqi's sake.

* * *

I spent most of my day doing deliveries throughout Liyue Harbor whilst Qiqi held down the fort back at the Clinic behind the counter.

I used these work-related outings across the Harbor to my advantage, asking those I came across what they knew of Hu Tao, to see if I could nonchalantly get some hints as to what sort of gift I could give her.

What I didn't expect was for so many of the local residents to have so much to say about the 77th Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlour... and not much of it was incredibly positive!

I was met with a lot of responses similar to "That trickster Hu Tao? She's such a pain!" and hushed replies of "Hu Tao?! She's not here now is she?"

That poor girl from the Wanmin Restaurant almost burst into tears at the uttering of her name!

. . .

Seems to be quite the unanimous opinion! But I didn't end up entirely empty handed.

I learned that Hu Tao has quite an interest in poetry, which seems oddly fitting for her occupation, but I couldn't explain why.

* * *

It wasn't until now that I realised that I hadn't actually received any pay from Baizhu for my work at the clinic, so I couldn't buy anything from the local stores, so instead I decided to come up with another idea.

I knew that we were beginning to run a little low of Qingxin Flowers, and with Qiqi having to attend the storefront all day she would not be able to go out and procure more until Dr. Baizhu returned, so I offered myself up to go and hunt down these flowers.

Qiqi had not received any orders specifically saying that I couldn't, so she had no reason to deny me from this outing for the Clinic's benefit despite the obvious reasons why it wouldn't be wise that Baizhu probably could have provided if he was here.

The reason I decided to pre-emptively replenish our stocks of Qingxin was not for Baizhu's sake however, but rather because of the nature of Qingxin Flowers, they tend to be found growing only at the taller peaks of the land. And that is where I am most likely to find the nests of those eagles I've seen flying above us.


I had managed to gather quite the sum of Qingxin at this point, and I'd picked up some Violetgrass too whilst I was at it, as they both can be found in the cliff areas.

Fortunately this high up you don't see many Hilichurls, they seem to be even worse with heights than I am, which is good because I still don't have a weapon or anything to defend myself!
Normally I have Qiqi with me, and she is surprisingly efficient and strong. I always feel safe when she's with me...

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