Chapter 12: Worldly Wingman

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Y/N: "Hey Qiqi, any new deliveries?"

Qiqi: "Umm... I do not remember. Let me check..."

As Qiqi walked over to her notebook and started to check through the pages, I couldn't help but wonder about Hu Tao...

It's been over a week since we last met, when the two of us went on that outing around the Harbor together. The one that ended with her kissing my cheek and running off before I could say anything...

We haven't spoken since then, and I haven't felt like she's been stalking me around town like she used to. And a couple of times I almost bumped into her on the streets as I walked through the Harbor on my deliveries, but every time she seemed to avoid meeting my eyes and then sprinting off before I could say anything.

Is this some elaborate prank...? Or does she genuinely not want to interact with me anymore...?

* * *

Qiqi: "There are two deliveries

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Qiqi: "There are two deliveries. This package is for the Adventurer's Guild, for Miss Lan... and this one is for the Wangsheng Funeral Parlour, for a Mr Zhongli."

Y/N: "Zhongli? I think I remember Hu Tao mentioning him before... he's an instructor there, I think?"

Qiqi: "Will you take these deliveries now?"

Y/N: "... j-Just the one for the Adventurer's Guild for now. I'll come back for the Funeral Parlour's delivery later, maybe..."

Qiqi: "Okay, but Qiqi is not sure Qiqi understands. You still have space in your bag?"

Y/N: "It's nothing Qiqi, don't worry about it. It's this package for the Adventurer's Guild, right?"

* * *

If Hu Tao really wants to distance herself from me, then maybe I should wait until later on in the day to deliver that package? Because today is usually when she'll head out at night and roam the wilderness like she often does, looking for inspiration for her poetry.

That way I can respect her wishes, and it's not like we have any promises about how soon we'll get to delivering what someone has requested! Until I arrived nobody ever got their stuff delivered after all!

That way I can respect her wishes, and it's not like we have any promises about how soon we'll get to delivering what someone has requested! Until I arrived nobody ever got their stuff delivered after all!

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