Chapter 26: Moonchase Festival

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Hu Tao: "Huh, so the Tianquan's trying to teach you to create a platform out of water...? Well, that'd certainly be quite the parlour trick!"

Y/N: "Of course! I knew you'd just find a way to make a joke about it all!"

Hu Tao: "Tee-hee! I love that you know me so well! But seriously, I'm thinking up some seriously great pranks that we can use that for! So you better hurry up and figure out how to do it okay? Okay!"

Y/N: sigh

Hu Tao: "Aiya! We've only been hanging out for like 5 minutes, don't get sick of me too soon!"

Y/N: "mmmm... I'm really trying not to!"

Hu Tao: "Oh no! I guess I'll just have to make up for that then? Hmmm... Oh! I know what I can do!"


Hu Tao: "You like it when I cling to your arm like this, right? Heh! You can't lie to me, I know you do! I can hear your heart beating faster than a spooked soon-to-be-client!"

Y/N: "Being so close to you? Of course I like it! But... I'm not sure I forgive you just yet!"

Hu Tao: "Well, I guess we'll just have to stay like this until you do! Not that I mind at all!"

Y/N: "... Even with all these people around who could be watching us? Don't you have to keep up appearances? Can you really be seen with someone-... well, someone like me?"

Hu Tao: "Hmph! Let them watch and talk amongst themselves! I'm not embarrassed! You're MY sweetie after all! Aiya! Don't you ever worry about that, okay sweetie? I simply won't allow it!"


Hu Tao: "Now that we've got that all sorted... let's just enjoy the good weather together with a nice walk around the harbour! There's still a while until the Final Round of that Masterful Chefs competition starts after all!"

* * *

We'd been walking around for quite a while, talking about all manners of things. Currently, we were trying to catch each other up on all of the things that we've been missing out on due to other commitments.

Y/N: "Yeah, a couple days ago I met this... Sailor? Pirate?... I'm not too sure to be honest! Anyways, Xinyan introduced her to me. A uh- Captain Beidou, do you know her?"

Hu Tao: "O-ya? Beidou is well-known in Liyue. She doesn't know me, but that's cool, me just knowing about her is enough. Aw man... I really do wanna make friends with her!"

Y/N: "Oh really? I didn't realise she was such a celebrity around here! She seemed pretty down-to-Teyvat to me? Although I guess she also seems to have a connection with Ningguang and the Qixing so..."

Hu Tao: "Aiya! Need I remind you that now YOU also have a connection with the Tianquan!"

Y/N: "Heh, I suppose that's true! You know... I mentioned you to Beidou, seems she recognised your name at least!"

Hu Tao: "Eeee! She did?! Beidou knows who I am?! Oh, that is SO cool!"

Hu Tao: "Eeee! She did?! Beidou knows who I am?! Oh, that is SO cool!"

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