Chapter 9: Legal Troubles

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It's been a couple days now, since my midnight outing with Hu Tao.

We hadn't met up in a similar way since then, but whilst I was on deliveries we often stumbled upon each other and would then have a chat and she would accompany me on my delivery run.

Every time we met though it was almost always her stumbling into me or her surprising me with a light jump-scare... if I didn't know better I'd say she was making an effort to encounter me each time!

But it must just be that her duties as Director of the Wangsheng Funeral Parlour have her all over Liyue Harbor and she just happens to spot me whilst she was out on business... right?

* * *

Speaking of business, Dr. Baizhu had finally returned from his trip to Mondstadt, he seemed to be quite happy with the re-introduction of the Pharmacy's delivery capabilities. And decided that would be my main duty as of now whilst Qiqi manned the register for sales.

And when the need should arrive, I was the first choice to send out for herbs should we need to resupply, but for the rarer herbs I had to be accompanied by Qiqi so that she could protect me from anything that may be at all threatening.

Whether that be Hilichurls or the several new threats I had learned of recently: one of those being just a group of humans whom had separated themselves from the rest of society to live in camps and steal whatever loot they could get their hands in- they call themselves the Treasure Hoarders... should you really be proud of being called a hoarder?

Another threat out there in the wilds was of a group called the Abyss Order, a far more threatening name than that of the Treasure Hoarders, with their main force out in the wild being these beings called Abyss Mages: creatures with elemental abilities that had declared humanity their enemies and would attack on sight - Abyss Mages often teamed up with Hilichurls, using the latter to carry out labour and build fortifications in prime locations for their schemes.

Fortunately I had not run into anything more than simple Hilichurl groups so far, and Qiqi was more than capable at dealing with them. But... I would like to not be so useless though.

. . .

Although, thanks to the books that Hu Tao had lent to me, I now wasn't so ignorant on just how impressive the Vision that I had in my possession really was!

Similar to the Abyss Mages, wielders of a Vision would be able to manipulate the element of their Vision- for me, this was water. Like how I was able to create a small puddle of water within my hand when Hu Tao asked me to prove that this Vision was mine and I didn't just happen by it.

So some day I would like to spend some time working on that, learning how to really use my Vision so that I can defend myself and also to be able to help Qiqi out... I should also think about a weapon too, Qiqi uses a sword that she can attack with surprisingly fast... and I think Hu Tao has a two-handed spear, right? She kept calling it a Staff though... maybe that's just the name of her weapon though?

* * *

I had been walking back from my most recent delivery request, this time I had no interaction with Hu Tao, it was just a standard walk through the Harbor to the home of the client; I hand over the prescribed herbs and/or medicine they request and they hand over the payment and then I head towards the next place until I need to grab the next batch of deliveries.

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