New life

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12:45 PM


By the time they got to the hospital, Vivica's contractions were 7 minutes apart.

As they were walking to the hospital, Jaz made sure to call Olivia.

They put Vivica in a room and the nurses hooked her up to an IV and several monitors to measure things like her contractions and fetal heart rate.

A few minutes later, Olivia and Violet entered Vivica's hospital room.

"How are you feeling, baby girl?" Olivia asked

"Fine, right now," Vivica said as she closed her eyes

2:00 PM

Soon Dr. Smith came and started checking up on Vivica. The boys had already left the room while Jaz, Violet, and Olivia stayed with Vivica.

called out at the foot of the bed,

"Okay, Vivica. Next time you have a contraction, you can start pushing." Dr. Smith said

The next contraction hit.

"Okay. Here we go. Push, Vivica." The doctor said,

Vivica nodded at dr. smith, took a deep breath, chin to chest, and pushed with everything she had.

After pushing a few times, the doctor said,

"Okay. That's great, Vivica! The first baby is almost here! I can see the head now."

She pushed again. The breath she had been holding burst out of her and just as she opened her eyes, she heard it. The most beautiful sound in the world ... the loud and indignant cry of her baby to be born.

Dr. Smith put Aiden on Vivica's stomach.

"We're just going to take Aiden over there to dry him off and make sure he's okay." dr. Smith says

She nodded, not taking her eyes off her son.

"Vivica, you have a few minutes to rest before the contractions start again. "Dr. Smith Said

And before they knew it, Vivica was pushing the second baby. After the first, it didn't take long for Nadia to be placed on her stomach.

"Like what we did before taking Nadia there to dry her off and make sure she's okay," Dr. Smith

"They both weigh 5½ pounds each and are nineteen inches long. Perfectly healthy," Dr. Smith said as lifting the two babies and placed them in Vivica's arms.

Aiden and Nadia looked straight at her. Their skin tone was currently quite dark, just slightly darker than hers. Vivica knew that might or might not change over time. Most of their facial features resemble Vivica, they looked nothing like Zack and that was one of the things Vivica was worried about.

"Hi Aiden and Nadia."

Vivica whispered

Olivia leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to Vivica's forehead.

"They're beautiful, Viv, just like their mother."

Violet said

"Should I go get the boys?" Jaz asked

"You have to put the babies against your skin and breastfeed them first. It's not too late for that first moment of bonding." said Doctor Smith.

Vivica nodded and reached to unsnap the gown. Dr. Smith took the twins from her and placed them back in the bassinet and started to unwrap the blanket around both of them and unsnapped the onesie, lifting it gently off the twin's arms and over their head. She lifted them again, clad in their hat and diaper, and placed them back in Vivica's arms.

Vivica was overwhelmed by the feel of them against her skin.

"You want to lift your breast to their mouth, and you want them to latch on with as much of the aureola in their mouth as possible. You can push down on their chin to open their mouth wider if you need to." Dr. Smith said

Vivica followed her instructions and the twins latched on like a pro. Dr. Smith looked at the connection and nodded.

"A piece of cake," she said with a smile, pulling up the hospital blanket to cover the twins' bodies.

A few minutes later

Vivica had just finished feeding the twins and Jaz went to get the boys. While Olivia held Nadia and Violet held Aiden.

"How are you feeling, Muffin?"

Violet asked as she slowly rocked Aiden from side to side.

"Overwhelmed, but also happy that the twins are healthy." Vivica said

"I'm so proud of you sweetie." Olivia said when Jaz and the boys entered the room.

"Hi Viv," Jack said as he, Jake, Nick, Ryan, and Brett entered the room.

"How do you feel?" Ryan asked

"Great, you want to meet your niece and nephew." Vivica said

"Yes!" The boys said at the same time.

Olivia and Violet handed Nadia and Aiden to Ryan and Nick.

4:00 PM

The hospital

The boys had left because they needed to do stuff at the hideout. Violet also left because she had to get ready for work. But Jaz and Olivia stay with Vivica. Once they left Elliot, Aubrey and Noah arrived. When they walked in Vivica was holding both of the twins.

"Mommy." Aubrey said as she ran over to Vivica.

"Hi baby girl." Vivica said Aubrey climbs on the bed and wants to hug Vivica while Noah tries to get closer to the twins to get a good look at them.

"Yes! Aubrey and Noah both said at the same time.

"Okay, Noah, sit over there in that chair and Jaz will hand you Aiden."Vivica said, handing Aiden to Jaz

Once Noah sat in the chair Jaz helped to position his arms correctly before handing Aiden to him.

"Make sure you keep one arm under his head." She says to keep an eye on him.

While Aubrey holds Nadia, Vivica sits next to her and holds a hand under Nadia's head.

"She looked like you, Mommy." Aubrey said as she played with Nadia's hands.

"Yeah." Vivica said with a smile.

After Noah and Aubrey finished holding the twins, Elliot was given the chance to hold the twins.

The rest of the children's visit went well. Elliot and the kids returned home while Jaz and Olivia stayed with Vivica.

"Now you and the twins have the same birthday. Vivica said

"Yes, we do," said Olivia, kissing the top of Vivica's forehead.

"Vivica, I think you should go to sleep now." Jaz said

Vivica just nodded her head as she rolled over in her bed.

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