Melt down

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Later that day

Benson household

9:00 PM

Aubrey and Noah were finally asleep and now Olivia could talk to Vivica.

Olivia sighed as she knocked on Vivica's bedroom door.

"Go away." Vivica yelled back.

"Honey, I just want to check in on you." Olivia said

"Well i'm fine so you can fuck off." Vivica yelled back

Olivia just rolled her eyes knowing this was going to be super hard. So Olivia just opened the door but she did not see Vivica in her room then she looked over at her bathroom and so that the door was closed. Olivia walked over to the door.

"Viv! Sweetie opened the door. Let's talk." Olivia said, knocking on the door.

"Go away!" Viv screamed, choking on her sobs.

Vivica just sat on the floor next to the shower.

"Just unlock the door honey, please." Olivia begged.

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" Viv screeched as she pulled her knees up to her chest and hugged herself.

After a few seconds, Olivia decided to kick down the door.

Olivia brought a leg up towards her chest and kicked the door open, busting the frame in the process. She ran in and saw the razor on the bed, she pulled at Vivica's arms and raised the sleeves relieved to see she hadn't cut herself. She pulled Vivica into her arms and kissed her head.

"What is going on with you? Talk to me!" Olivia said.

"Fuck off." Vivica yelled at her.

Vivica turning to face Olivia with a wild look in her eyes, her chest rapidly rising and falling as she angrily breathed through her nose.

"Talk to me, sweetheart." she continued.

Suddenly Vivica moved forward as if she was going to lunge at the brunette.

She carefully grabbed Vivica's wrists, being careful to only grip as tight as she needed to as she kept the flailing fists from hitting her.

"Calm down, Sweetheart," she said softly.

Vivica's response was to try kicking which caused Olivia to have to restrain her and gently press her into the wall behind her while crossing her small arms across her chest, effectively using Vivica's arms to restrain her.

"Come on, Sweetheart, let's calm down," she tried.

"You're ok." Olivia said

Vivica attempted to strike out once more at the brunette.

But when that did not work she gave up.

Once Olivia had calmed her down enough to move her, Olivia moved her to the bed. Olivia grabbed her hand and looked into her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Olivia asked.

"Just a group of girls being jackasses." Vivica said

"Is that all?" Olivia asked knowing that Vivica was not telling the whole truth.

"Yep." Vivica said

"Sweetheart i know that not all that happens, the boys and Jaz were worried about you." Olivia said

"This girl Makayla knows that I'm pregnant and said that she would not tell the whole school unless i latf the school. Then she just talked about me and when I had enough I punched her in the face and left. That's when I ran into Jaz, Jack, Jake and Brett in the hallway." Vivica said

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