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January 19, 2022

Vivica is now 34 weeks and 6 days pregnant.

Olivia and Elliot have been dating for 3 months and 27 days.


11:00 AM

When they finally got inside the courthouse Olivia sat down on a bench next to Vivica.

"Are you ok, honey?" She asked

And Vivica just nodded her head.

A little while later, Vivica's name was called.

Vivica's breathing immediately picked up speed and she began hyperventilating.

"Hey hey," Olivia said, immediately jumping into action.

"You're ok, just breathe," she spoke softly, placing a hand on Vivica's heaving chest.

"What's the hold up?" An officer said standing in the doorway. He had come to escort Vivica inside the courtroom.

"Back off," Olivia snapped, continuing to try to calm Vivica down but it wasn't working.

"Sweetheart, I need you to breathe for me, come on," she spoke softly as she took deep breaths hoping Vivica would copy her actions.

A few seconds later Carisi walked out of the courtroom and walked over to them.

"Call a bus," she mouthed to Carisi who just gave them a worried glance before doing so.

"Sweetheart we are gonna go to the hospital," Olivia said, afraid her daughter would pass out if she didn't get her breathing under control.

Suddenly there was complete Chaos as the EMTs entered the courthouse.

"What seems to be the problem?" One EMT asked kindly and Carisi began explaining to her what was going on.

"She's set to testify against her abuser but she's having a panic attack," He said, motioning to Vivica in Olivia's arms.

"Captain Benson, we will need to sedate her," they explained, moving closer to the two.

"No, no, no," Vivica screamed and Olivia held her a bit closer.

"Sweetheart, you're ok," she cooed softly as she kissed Vivica's head.

"This medicine will help you feel better," she whispered.

"No, no, I don't want it," Vivica shrieked and Olivia tilted her chin to meet her eyes.

"Baby, shh, it's ok," she said, attempting to keep her calm.

"You'll feel better, I promise," she continued and Vivica laid her head on Olivia's chest in response.

She nodded to the EMT who carefully injected the light sedative into Vivica's arm and Immediately she relaxed in Olivia's embrace.

12:10 PM

Olivia was sitting in the chair next to Vivica's bed who was sleeping when Carisi walked into the room.

"How is she?" Carisi asked.

"Better now," Olivia answered.

"That's great." Carisi said

"So good news when the judge heard what happened she said Vivica didn't have to testify," Carisi explained.

"That's great." Olivia said

"I should get back. I'm glad that she is okay." Carisi said

"Yeah me too." Olivia said as Carisi left.

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