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10:00 AM

Benson household

Olivia was in the living room watching TV when Vivica walked out of her room.

"Well good morning, did you sleep okay?" Olivia asked as she watched Vivica carefully.

"Yeah." Vivica said

"Are you hungry?" Olivia asked

"Nope." Vivica said as she sat down next to Olivia.

"Okay, but you will have to eat later." Olivia said

"Okay." Vivica said as she pulled out her phone.

"Viv, I think we should talk." Olivia said

"About what?" Vivica asked

"About what just happened not 24 hours ago." Olivia said

"Nothing really happens, Alex just hit and yelled at me that was all. So let it go." Vivica said

"Okay, I understand." Olivia said as she could see that Vivica was thinking about something.

"What are you thinking about?" Olivia asked

"My mom. Like I had reason to believe that my mom was alive but I have really done anything about it, until I saw her today. But now I want to know the truth." Vivica said as she stood up and walked to the front door.

"Where are you going?" Olivia asked

"Some place." Vivica said as she walked out the door.

Olivia sighed as she got up and followed Vivica.

15 minutes later

Outside The hawk's hideout

Olivia had followed Vivica to the hawks' hideouts.

"Why did you follow me?" Vivica asked before she stopped right outside the hideout.

"I want to make sure that you are okay and also want to know where you are going." Olivia said

"Interesting." Vivica said as she walked to the hideout with Olivia right behind her.

In the side the hawk's hideout

"Great no one is here." Vivica said to herself as she walked out to the computer.

"Viv, I've been wondering why you left your phone at home late at night?" Olivia asked

"Because the cops and people can hack into my phone." Vivica said as she focused on the computer screen.

"Why do you think that?" Olivia asked

"Because that's how Alex alway found me on my phone. So I don't carry my phone with me. I just feel comfortable having it with me." Vivica said as she was still focused on the computer screen.

"Finally." Vivica said

"What are you doing?" Olivia asked

"Finding the truth about my mother." Vivica said

"How are you doing that?" Olivia asked

"None of your business." Vivica said

"Yes it is." Olivia said

"No it is not, so stop thinking it is." Vivica said

"What is up with you?" Olivia asked

"Nothing wrong, I'm just trying to figure out everything that has happened in the past months. Right now I just want to find out the truth about my mother's death and everything." Vivica said as she stood up, right when she stood her a sharp pain shot through her stomach the next thing she knew everything went back.

Olivia caught Vivica right before she hit the ground.

Once she played Vivica on the ground she called for an ambulance.

Olivia pulled out her phone and dialed 911.

"This is Captain Olivia Benson. I need a bus. NOW!" She shouted into the phone.

1:00 PM

The ER

Once they got to the hospital the doctor and nurses worked fast.

"What happened?"

"I-I don't know. She just fainted!" Olivia said, trying to keep herself together.

"How old is she?" The nurse asked

"Fifteen." Olivia said

"Her name Ms...?" The other nurse asked

"Benson. Her name is Vivica Benson." Olivia said

"Date of birth?" The nurse asked

"Nov 16 2006." Olivia said

"Ok. Great, we can pull her medical records with this information. Now if you'll please go to the waiting room." The doctor said

Olivia sat in the waiting room.

Twenty minutes later a Dr. approached her.

"Ms. Benson? I'm Dr. Willis. The reason she fainted was because of a drop in her blood pressure. Right now she is okay and so are the babies. But for the next few days she should relax and stuff. She's still out. Resting comfortably. We'll keep her overnight to rehydrate her. Also I would like her to eat the morning before discharge. She is in room 166." Dr. Willis said.

"OKay thanks." Olivia said as she started walking to the room.

Once she got into the room she sat in the chair beside the bed and held Vivica's hand as she sat there watching Vivica sleep.

The next morning

The ER

While Olivia was at the ER Lucy was taking care of Noah and Aubrey until they came back. Elliot also came by the ER to check on Olivia and Vivica.

Present time

8:00 AM

The ER

The next morningVivica woke up. She looked around and saw Olivia in the chair beside her bed sleeping, holding her hand.

"Liv. Wake up." Vivica said softly, trying to wake Olivia up.

"Morning sweetheart. How are you?" Olivia asked, moving her hair out of her face.

"I'm fine. Are the babies okay?" Vivica asked

"The babies are just fine." Olivia said

"That's great. When can I go home?" Vivica asked

"Soon sweetheart." Olivia said as a nurse knocked on the door. When Olivia granted her entry, she came in pushing a tray with food on it.

"Hello Vivica. You will be out here right after you eat this" She said, sliding the tray in front of Vivica and raising it.

There was a vegetable omelet, some raspberries, some cut-up watermelon, Greek yogurt, eggs, and apple juice.

Vivica ate most of her food.

"You done?" Olivia asked

"Yeah." Vivica said as she finished her apple juice.

"Ok." Olivia reached for the call button and rang a nurse.

"Yes. I'd like to get my daughter's discharge papers. " Olivia said over the intercom.

A few minutes later

Dr. Willis knocked and came in.

"Hello Vivica. Nice to see you awake. I'm Dr. Willis." She said,

"Hi." Vivica said

"How are you feeling?" Dr. Willis asked as she flashed a penlight in her right eye before quickly moving to the left.

"I'm fine." She said

Dr. Willis quickly did her vitals, before handing the discharge papers to Olivia so she could sign Vivica out.

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