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4:00 AM

Mercy General hospital

Amanda, Fin, Elliot, Carisi, Kat, Vivica, Noah, and now a sleeping 4 years old have been waiting for Olivia's doctor for 1 hour. When her doctor finally walked up to them.

"Family of Olivia Benson." The doctor said

"That's us." Elliot said

"Captain Benson received a gunshot wound to the upper right quadrant. Her heart stopped in the ambulance on the way here, which our medical staff were able to rectify before we rushed her to surgery. The bullet did not do a lot of damage. It went straight though. It damaged her liver and eventually lodged in her lung. We were able to repair the liver and lung damage. Right now she is on a ventilator to help her breath. She is going to recover fully. But for now, she is in a medically induced coma because of bleeding and swelling of the brain." The doctor said

"Can we see her?" Elliot asked

"Yeah she is in ICU room 129." The doctor said

"Thanks." Elliot said.

"Can I see mom now?" Noah asked

"Yeah, but she is sleeping right now." Elliot said not knowing what to tell the nine years old as Vivica's phone started to ring.

"Fuck!" Vivica whispered to herself before she ran out of the hospital.

Amanda, Fin, Elliot, Kat, and Carisi just looked at everything and wondered what just happened.

"I will go check on her." Amanda said as she followed after Vivica.

While Amanda went after Vivica, Elliot, Fin, and Noah went to see Olivia while Carisi stayed with Aubrey who was still sleeping.

Olivia hospital room

Elliot, Noah, and Fin pushing the door open made their way into the room and approached the side of the hospital bed.

"Why would someone want to shoot mom?" Noah asked

"We don't know, but we will get to the bottom of it." Fin said

"The person that shot her knew Vivica." Noah said

"What do you mean?" Elliot asked

"He said something to her but I didn't remember what he said. All I remember is him saying her name." Noah said as he said down next to Olivia.

"Well that might help us find the person that shot her." Fin said as he texted Amanda about what Noah just said.

Mean While outside the hospital

Amanda has been trying to find Vivica for over five minutes. She had just read the text from Fin when she finally found Vivica pacing back and forth in the alleyway next to the hospital.

"You are a hard person to find." Amanda said as she walked closer to Vivica.

"Yep." Vivica said as she kept pacing back and forth.

"Are you okay?" Amanda asked as she watched Vivica walk back and forth.

"Yeah I'm fine."Vivica lied

Amanda knew that Vivica was lying to her.

"Okay then why did you run out of the hospital?" Amanda asked

"I don't really want to talk about that." Vivica said

"Okay we don't have to talk about that but there is one thing I don't know." Amanda asked

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