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September 24, 2021

Vivica is now 18 weeks and 1 day pregnant.

A week has gone by since Olivia woke and she's progressed a little more each day; well enough that the doctors have decided she can finally return home.

She won't be able to return to work for another two months, and even with that it will be strict desk duty, but it's a start. But for the next week or so Olivia has to rest before she does anything like that.

3:00 PM

Benson household

Elliot had brought Olivia home after Olivia was released from the hospital.

When they got to Olivia's household Olivia was surprised to see that Vivica was there. Vivica was in the living room watching TV and eating ice cream.

"How is the ice cream and don't you have a game to get ready for?" Elliot asked as he walked into the apartment with Olivia by his side.

"Well the ice cream is great and I'm not going to the game." Vivica said

"That's good, but why?" Olivia asked

"Let's just say I decided to take a break for a while and started fresh on Monday." Vivica said

"Well I'm glad that you decided to rest and stuff." Olivia said

"Yep, the same thing that you will be doing for a week or so." Vivica said with a smile when she started Olivia rolled her eyes.

Elliot just watched.

"Talking about rest, you should get some now." Vivica said

"Yeah Viv right about that." Elliot said as he saw Olivia rolled her eyes.

"Bye bye." Vivica said with a smile as Olivia walked away

"So have you told Olivia that you are in love with her yet?" Vivica asked knowing that Olivia was still in the living room.

"Nope." Elliot said

"Why?" Vivica said

Elliot did not say anything.

Vivica just looked at him before she saw something.

"Well then." Vivica said with a small smile on her face.

"What are you planning on doing?" Elliot asked knowing that she was up to something.

"Oh Nothing." Vivica said as she noticed that Olivia was standing in the hallway.

"How long have you been standing there, liv?" Vivica asked

"Long enough." Liv said

Elliot looks at Olivia in complete shock and awe.

"You heard all that?"

"Oh look at the time I have somewhere to be. Bye." Vivica said as she walked out the front door.

"Liv, I..." Elliot started to say but Liv cut him off.

"Look El, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." Liv said

"No it's okay. Your daughter has been trying to get me to tell you my feelings." Elliot said as Olivia smiled at the mention of her daughter.

"When I heard that your heart stopped and that you were in a coma, I thought I lost you. I've never been so scared. Scared because not only did I think you were gone, but also scared that you'd be gone before I ever got the courage to admit how I felt about you. You're my friend and my partner, and I love you for it, but it's so much more than that. I want more than that. And I want to give us a chance. I'm done letting my past dictate how I feel about you currently. And if you don't want these things, that's ok too, we can forget this conversation... but I needed you to know!" Elliot said

"I feel the exact same way. So I've been pretending the feelings weren't there because i didn't not want to mess up our friendship, but I don't want to pretend anymore." Olivia said

Elliot leans in tentatively and kisses her softly, hesitantly, before he pulls back looking for approval. Olivia grabs him by his neck and kisses him back. When they finally pull apart, they have small smiles on their faces and look positively giddy.

"Finally!" They heard a voice behind them say.

When they turned they saw Vivica standing in the kitchen.

"I thought that you were leaving?" Olivia asked

"I was but then I remembered I forgot my phone." Vivica said

"Yeah right." Elliot said

"That ture, also it looks like my plan worked." Vivica said

"You knew Liv was standing there the whole time." Elliot said

"Yep." Vivica said with a smile as her phone rang.

"Now I really need to get going." Vivica said as she finally left.

"Hi, where is Noah and Aubrey?" Elliot asked

"They are spending the night with Lucy." Olivia said

"Interesting." Elliot said as he stood up.

"OKay now I really think you should get some rest." Elliot said

"I know." Olivia said as she got up.

"Great. I will be here when you wake up." Elliot said as he watched Olivia walked into her bedroom

5:30 PM

Hawks hideouts

"Hi, we found something." Nick said as Vivica walked into the Hideout.

"What is it?" Vivica asked

"We might have reason to think that she is alive." Jake said

"What do you mean?" Vivica asked

"Well we hacked into different stations and stuff and found little things about her, but the main information about her the US marshall has." Jaz said

"Which means I have to hack into the US marshall system." Vivica said

"Yep." Jack said

"Interesting." Vivica said as she thought for a second.

"Are you sure you still want to find out the truth?" Mark asked

"I don't know, hacking into the federal government is not easy and I could get in big trouble." Vivica said

"There is another way to find out the truth." Jax said

"And they are?" Vivica asked

"Just asking someone that might know something about her." Brett said

"Yeah but everyone thinks that she is dead beside the US marshall." Vivica said

"I know, but maybe there is someone." Brett said

"Yeah, maybe so. I think about it. We won't do anything else about this until I say so. Okay?" Vivica said

"OKay." The whole gang said at the same time.

"Great." Vivica said

"Hey, do you have a name picked out for the twins?" Ryan asked

"Yep." Vivica said

"What are they?" Jack asked

"Well I have three different pairs of names picked out. So for girl names are Naomi Makayla and Nicole Mia, then for boys names are Aiden Xavier and Caden Javen and last but not least for boy and girl names Aidan Xavier and Nadia Presley." Vivica said

"Those are great names. Do you know what you want?" Nick asked

"I really don't know what I want, but Aubrey wants a baby brother and a baby sister." Vivica said

"Interesting." The gang said at the same time.

"Okay guys I should get going." Vivica said as he started walking toward the door.

"Bye." The gang said at the same time again.

"Bye yall, and don't do anything that I would not do." Vivica said as she walked out the door.

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