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Between Cyberpunk, Nanopunk and Metaverse, Quantumpunk injects quantum mechanics in everyday life. From quantum computing and quantum communication to life at the most "liberated" level: pure energy, Quantumpunk offers many possibilities...

On one side, you have the world of the Metaverse, where the ultimate AI controls all life. Welcome to the Matrix. Humans are jacked directly into the the verse, are part of the Matrix... or part of a network that combines the knowledge of all societies. And knowledge, sometimes, can be lethal. This is the world of Johnny Mnemonic, and Strange Days.

In the Quantumpunk scape, you may encounter a world filled with anthropomorphic machines and processes. If this is the case, you may have stumbled into the world of Tron or Wreck It Ralph.

There is also a verse where quantum mechanics, in its computerised and communication form is supposed to simplify man's life. You may travel through a portal or a teleporter, shop the latest fashion in the VR world or prevent crimes by looking into the future...

Quantumpunk is also at the edge that links space and time. Travelling back to the future or sliding across the multiverse, quantum technology opens a sea of possibilities. From fast and complex exchange of information, immersed, entangled into the network, to adventurous ways to travel through the fabric of space time... the ultimate form of Quantumpunk, however, is the summation of life to its most basic form: energy. In a Quantumpunk scape, man becomes pure energy, out of body experience, immortality... 

The soul becomes free to roam the universe, and needs only a host, maybe a corporeal envelope in the form of a clone or an android, to live forever.

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