Detention! ||Hagakureon + ishimondo||

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Basically just detention stuff! Mondo, Leon and hagakure get detention with kiyotaka and they just annoy him the whole time! 'Leo' is a nickname for Leon that I think yasuhiro would use! I'll probably do a similar scenario with just ishimondo! They'll be out of character a little.

'Hey kiyotaka! When does detention end?'
'You just got here leon'
'Cmon dude! Let us go!'
'You set fire to makoto's jacket, no you can't leave-'
'Cmon Bro it was funny!'
'No mondo'

Mondo, hagakure and Leon had 'accidentally' set fire to makotos jacket, and after getting shouted at and threatened by togami, they had been given detention, supervised by kiyotaka Ishimaru. 'Hiro! wanna annoy taka?'
'Hm.. yeah!'

(Time skip to like 5 minutes later)

'Ishimaru, are we allowed to move seats?' The red haired boy asked suddenly, looking at the hall monitor. 'If you really want to, yes' After being told he could, Leon moved so he was in yasuhiros lap, slightly startling the older boy. 'I- uh whatcha doin there leo?'

Leon had the amazing idea to annoy hiro and kiyotaka, and decided flustering hiro was the best way to do it, as kiyotaka deemed anything more than friendly gestures 'unwholesome' and flustering hiro was always fun + the baseball star found it cute. 'I'm sitting on your lap!' The red head answered, a fake innocent smile plastered on his face. 'Obviously- but wh-' Yasuhiro was cut off by Leon grabbing his hand and doodling on it, grinning stupidly while doing so.

It would be a lie to say Leon didn't have a tiny- well, massive crush on his best friend, but how could he not? The way his dark brown eyes sparkled when he saw something he loved or when the light hit them just right, the way he would look after anyone who needed it, the cute little hand gestures he did when talking about his crazy theories, how pretty his smile was, his stupid jokes that always made the red head giggle like a middle school girl. Leon had tried to ask him out many times, but always ended up stuttering and running, red faced, back to Mondo, makoto or whoever had convinced him to try again.

'Leon! Yasuhiro! That's inappropriate!'
'What's inappropriate?'
'You're sitting on yasuhiro's lap!'
'You're sitting on mondos lap tho?'
'I- uh- well-' The hall monitor stuttered, blushing. 'Oh cmon! It's not like we're even kissing!'
'We're not what now?!' Yasuhiro asked, pretty flustered by even the idea of kissing his best friend. 'Not yet at least' Leon winked, turning to look at his crush, then looking back at mondo and making direct eye-contact. Ever since they had discovered their crushes on their best friends, the boys had developed a code with blinking, hand signals and even just looks to communicate.

(Like 10 minute time skip)

'Hiro~ ur so pretty~' Leon had been complimenting hiro constantly for about 10 minutes, causing the poor boy to go bright red and stutter, a lot. Kiyotaka had stopped calling them inappropriate after five minutes and was now trying to get mondo to study or at least do something productive. 'Mondo! Cant you do somethi-' The black haired boy was cut off by a teacher walking in, staring in disbelief at the scene in front of her. The 'no breaking rules, stuck up hall monitor' was blushing furiously while on the 'delinquent bikers' lap and the normally 'chill, Crystal guy' was bright red being complimented continuously by the 'player, baseball star'.

'I- uh- I can explain!' Ishimaru panicked, attempting to push mondo away from him and failing miserably. 'No need Ishimaru... I just came here to say that you have an hour left of detention...' The teacher muttered, walking out of the classroom. 'Mondo, I'm going to kill you'
'You would know all about crimes, wouldn't you mondo?' Kiyotaka smiled sarcastically, (does that work-) turning to face mondo. 'Couple fight!' Leon screamed across the classroom, earning a glare from mondo, a sigh from taka and a laugh from yasuhiro. 'Oh don't act like you aren't flirting' Ishimaru snapped, glaring at the two boys and leaning back into mondos chest. 'we arent!'
'Idk Leo, seems like you are'
'Maybe I am~'
'Taka, do I have permission to do something you probably won't like?'
'as long as it doesn't involve me and doesn't break any rules, I suppose'
'Great!' Yasuhiro flashed the hall monitor a grin and then directed his attention to Leon, who was confused as well as intrigued. (This makes no sense) Gently grabbing the shorter boys face, the brunette went as close as he could without their lips touching, causing Leon to turn bright red. 'Hi Leon~~' 'I uh- h- uhm- HI-?'

Finding flustered Leon very cute, yasuhiro connected their lips for a few seconds before leaning back in his seat, slightly red. 'KEJWKWK'
'You broke Leon dude!'
After calming down from his gay panic, Leon grabbed the front of his friends shirt and connected their lips again, this time for longer. 'Hey taka~~'
'Yes mondo?'
'We should do that~'
Muttering something about school rules, taka leant down and quickly kissed mondo. 'JSJWJWKWW'
'You broke mondo'
'You- I- kiss- EH?!'
'Yes I kissed you mondo, is that ok?'
'YES ITS FINE- MORE THAN FINE- actually do it again-' Mondo stuttered extremely flustered. 'I- if you want me to-?'.

Kissing mondo again, kiyotaka turned to face him. For some unknown reason Leon took this as a challenge for who could get the most kisses out of their crush, and kissed yasuhiro again. Luckily for them the teacher walked in just as they did this. 'I don't get paid enough for this, I expected more from you Ishimaru' she sighed, walking out. 'I apologise! Oh uhm- you three can go now' the raven haired boy exclaimed, jumping off of mondos lap. 'We should go on a double date~ ;)' Leon winked, grabbing taka and mondo and signaling for hiro to follow him.

Idk what this is, I'll make a part 2 of their date! 1016 words!

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