headcannons ||<3||

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I'll do a real chapter soon but for now take some opinions, headcannons and random stuff! They might be kinda sad cuz I'm in a sad headcannons mood yk. And I'm obsessing over ishimondo today so it'll include a lot of that.

⚠️could contain spoilers for dr1⚠️
(I'll put a '⚠️' emoji if a certain thing has spoilers)

||⚠️|| •taka cried for ages after mondos trial, he sat in mondos jacket and one of his shirts and just cried.

||⚠️||•hiro didn't believe Leon was dead after his trial, he didn't sleep for days, hoping that Leon would just walk through the door.

•when taka came out to mondo, mondos reaction was "well yeah-" (although mondo was screaming inside and just 'woah I have chance!').

•mondo absolutely adores taka and would do anything for him.

•taka was mondos 'hallway crush' and mondo got in trouble just to see him.

•Byakuya has a literal fear of avocados. Like if you show him one he will slowly walk away.

•someone once made a joke about mondo and taka dating while their relationship was a secret and mondo screamed "HOW DID YOU KNOW- WIZARD?!?!"

•Sayaka loves fluffy things (blankets, animals, coats and more)

•taka is so painfully oblivious. like someone could be very obviously flirting with him and he'd be like 'oh! I don't believe I fell from heaven?? Is that a metaphor?". Mondo would get super jealous and glare at the people until they went away.

•Leon paints Byakuya's nails. Leon is the only person ever allowed to do that.

•taka and mondo dance under the stars or at sunset sometimes.

•taka is really energetic and gets excited about everything, mondo thinks it's adorable.

•Taka and Sakura are the 'mums' of the group.

•taka kinda wants a pet snake but mondo is scared of them. (Could be that taka is scared and mondo wants a snake either works tbh)

•mondo is a feminist. 100%.

more random friendships! May contain dr2 characters!

Chihiro & Celeste
Not sure if I've done this one before but y e s. Celeste would protect chihiro and dress them up they'd be an amazing duo.

Mondo & Celeste
They'd gossip abt everyone and hype eachother up, feel like they'd listen to music together or watch dance moms. (I think that's how its spelt on the show so yh)

Sayaka & chihiro
they'd watch movies together and go on shopping trips. Amazing duo.

Kazuichi & mondo
They'd pop out of random places and annoy the hell out of people. Kaz fixes mondos bike for him.

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