3am ||kuzusouda||

844 11 5

Friends that flirt and kiss but are too scared to ask eachother out so they just kinda accept they're in love with eachother type of relationship- it's complicated idk- they aren't dating tho.

I'm so sorry this isn't thh but I feel the need to make this rn and yh-

they will both be ooc cuz I haven't even finished dr2 and feel free to skip this chapter if you want, I don't think it'll be very good.

Lyrics used from: Jenny -studio killers

Bold = a/n
Italics = thinking/emphasis on a word.
(Brackets)= a/n or edit
"Lyrics look like this"

The bathroom of Kazuichi and fuyuhiko's shared dorm currently looked like a crime scene. There was pink everywhere, including the walls, shower curtain and all of the bottles in the shower. Music was blasting from a phone laying on the counter, the only thing not covered in pink dye. Miraculously, fuyuhiko was still asleep, at least for now.

"I wanna ruin our friendship! We should be lovers instead~" The lyrics blasted, volume louder than it should've been at 3am. "I don't know how to say this, cuz you're really my dearest friend!" Kazuichi sang along, attempting to reach the back of his head to dye it. Kazuichi liked the lyrics of the song, he related to them but couldn't figure out why. (Yeah wonder why)

The pink haired boy had a whole playlist dedicated to his 'friend', many of the songs were similar to the one currently playing, or in simpler terms, love songs, but Kazuichi was somehow still completely unaware that he was in love with and basically dating his best friend, who was called fuyuhiko. Fuyuhiko knew that they were basically dating, and had figured out he had a crush on the other not long ago, even if he refused to admit it to himself.

While Kazuichi was doing whatever he does, fuyuhiko had woken up and was tiredly rubbing his eyes. He got out of bed and angrily stomped to the bathroom, his eyebrows furrowed and an angry look plastered across his face, although his baby-face didn't show it well and he looked more like an angry toddler. He opened the door and rested against it, wanting to make sure Kazuichi wasn't sick or anything before shouting at him for being way too loud at 3am. The short boy's expression softened upon seeing what the other was actually doing and he grinned, watching Kazuichi stupidly dance to lyrics and cover everything in dye.

"Havin' fun there?" The blonde smirked, scaring Kazuichi who jumped and nearly knocked his hair dye on the floor. "Did I wake ya up? Sorry hiko" kaz shyly smiled, holding his dye covered hand out to fuyuhiko who scoffed, but took it anyway. The pinkette's shy smile turned into a shark-toothed grin and he pulled fuyuhiko towards him. "Can I put pink hearts in your hair?"
"Why notttt~"
"Because that's dumb and I'm threatening! Hearts aren't threatening!"
"Mondo has a heart tattoo doesn't he?"
"That's because mondo did it when he was like 13 and mondo is stupid and not scary!"
"Mondo is scary!!"
"Tch. Whatever"

Fuyuhiko muttered something about "mondo actually being nice to some people and that's just dumb!" and in response to this Kazuichi lazily held their intertwined hands up and looked at them, his eyebrows raised and his lips curled into a small smile. Fuyuhiko glared at him and pulled his hand away quickly, instead putting them both behind his back. The ultimate mechanic didn't feel like letting go yet, so he grabbed fuyuhiko's hand again who blushed and tried to look as mad as he could, ignoring the butterflies he felt in his stomach. (I cant explain or write things).

".....you can put one non-permanent heart in my hair as long as it'll come off in a weeks time."
"YEAH!! Of course it'll come off I have some non permanent dye! What colour?" The shark toothed boy questioned, holding open the cupboard and showing his selection of dyes, which were mostly black and neon colours, with a few dark reds and blues, and pastel colours here and there.
"Red it is!!"
"No- I said black!!"
"But it's nearly Valentine's Day!!" Kazuichi whined, his hand still hovering over the red dye. "Fine! But I swear to god if anyone loses even the tiniest bit of respect for me I will kill you kaz."
"Yeah yeah whatever~~" Kazuichi's shark-like grin returned as he grabbed the bottle and started putting gloves on.

After a few minutes Kazuichi sat fuyuhiko down and started carefully applying the red dye in heart shapes. Fuyuhiko blushed when he realised how close they were. Kazuichi smelled like oil, hair dye and something that was most likely sweat from working all day, the shorter didn't mind and he liked being close to the pink haired boy. Kazuichi only had a glove on one hand to protect fuyuhiko's hair from the vibrant pink dye he was formerly using on his own hair, his ungloved hand cupped the side of the blonde's face, making sure he didn't move.

After Kazuichi successfully finished the hearts, he leaned back slightly, his hand still on fuyuhiko's cheek, and admired his work and the male in front of him. "Wow you're so pretty- the hearts are pretty! And you are! But I was talking about the hearts!" Kazuichi stuttered, a sheepish, slightly lopsided grin plastered on his pink tinted face. The blonde haired boy blushed at kazuichi's comments and looked away, folding his arms over his chest. "I said one heart!" Fuyuhiko grumbled, still refusing to look at the other in fear that he would notice the blush that had spread across his face.

||time skip||

"That took ages to clean, how do you do that so often and why do you do it so late?"
"Random motivation at 3am"
"Fair enough" Fuyuhiko climbed into his bed and stared at Kazuichi, who slowly got into his own bed. Fuyuhiko continued to stare at the pink haired boy until he finally got the hint and got into fuyuhiko's bed instead of his own. The smaller muttered something about being a 'clingy shark-person' while lifting up Kazuichi's arm and positioning it so that it would work as a pillow.

Kaz knew that he would have little to no feeling in his arm the next morning but he didn't mind, he knew that fuyuhiko liked him being there and as long as the shorter was happy, so was he.

Sorry for that really unsatisfying ending, the ooc characters, how short this is and overall bad writing but happy late valentines! <3

Ik this isn't dr1/THH but I felt the overwhelming urge to write this a few weeks back and haven't had the motivation to start a new chapter. Sorry for slow updates and there's a real valentines chapter coming soon!

||1151 words||

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