How It's Going...🤦🏽‍♀

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The year is now 2025! At the end of 2022 "Beynika" released a mixtape that received 1 million streams on all music platforms! Due to the success of the mixtape, Lil' Wayne had them release their debut self-tilted album in the fall of 2024

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The year is now 2025! At the end of 2022 "Beynika" released a mixtape that received 1 million streams on all music platforms! Due to the success of the mixtape, Lil' Wayne had them release their debut self-tilted album in the fall of 2024. Which went 3 times platinum and gained them many awards. Including a Grammy for best album by a band, group or duo!

Of course when any artist has a successful album, they have to tour! So, Beynika started a worldwide tour in 2025. During an interview on the radio, Beynika was asked how the tour is going. Onika said, "The tour is going great! I feel great! Beyoncè feels great! We sign a lot of boobs though! That's what we do more than anything. Sign Beynika on a bunch of boobs", she said.

The interviewer, who's name is Angie Martinez, then asked the ladies if the attention they get from female fans causes trouble within their marriage...

"You ladies got married very young, right?", Angie asked.

"Yes...We got married just last year when we were 20! Everybody saw how I proposed to Onika on her 19th birthday. It was very special", Beyoncè said with a smile.

"Yes it was! But you both know even though you're married, a lot of girls who like girls and even men still want to be with y'all! You're both very gorgeous. So how do you resist temptation? Does the attention you get from female fans cause friction in your marriage?", Angie asked.

"No! If a girl is really hot and hard to resist, we just have a threesome", Onika said with a smile. Beyoncè laughed and yelled, "Babe! You just gone tell our business on the radio?!" Laughter erupted from everyone that was present.

"I mean hey! That's actually a good way to keep from cheating. Get the pussy together", Angie bluntly said.

"Facts! I mean, we don't do it all the time. But sometimes we just feel like making a few of our female fans dreams come true", Beyoncè said with that famous cute laugh of hers that Beynika fans love.

"Yeah...only the ladies though! Sorry men, we can't help you", Onika said.

"Wow! You just broke so many hearts, Onika! But it is what it is. Ladies, I enjoyed this interview with you! I hope we can do another one real soon", Angie said.

Beyoncè and Onika told her it was a pleasure talking with her. They then left the radio station. They were in New York and a lot of their fans were outside screaming and going crazy. Many of them were trying to get close to the 21 year olds. But their bodyguard Julius and several New York police officers were holding the crowd back. Unfortunately, one young man got out of hand...

He yelled, "Onika! Onika! Fuck that gay shit! You need to be with me! Once I put this dick in you, you'll never go back to that bitch", he rudely said.

"Nigga, what the fuck you say?! Oh you dead, bitch", Beyoncè yelled. She pulled out a gun and pointed it at the guy. Everybody screamed and either ducked down or ran. The police grabbed the gun from Beyoncè and handcuffed her. She was placed under arrest for aggravated assault....Which meant she faced up to 1 year in prison!

"Where's my wife?! I want my wife right now", Onika yelled as her, Solange and their lawyer, Bryson, entered the New York police station. Bryson, who formally worked with Solange at Target, had become a very famous lawyer for many celebrities. Fortunately, he was in New York with the ladies that day.

"Sir, I'm Attorney Bryson Tiller. I'm here to post bail for my client, Beyoncè Knowles", he informed the officer.

Once Beyoncè was released, Onika ran into her arms. "Baby, are you ok?! Did they hurt you?!", Onika asked her wife.

"Shit, they know better! I'll sue this whole damn department", Beyoncè told her.

"Girl, let's go! We gotta talk, ma'am", Solange said sternly.
When they got out to the Cadillac Limousine, Solange let Beyoncè have it!

"Girl, have you lost your damn mind?! You can't just pull a gun out on somebody in public, around police officers and threaten to kill a nigga! Now we gotta go to court in the middle of a world tour to try to convince a judge not to lock your ass up", Solange ranted.

"Sis, chill! Bryson got this! He  ain't about to let me get locked  up", Beyoncè exclaimed.

"I mean, I'm definitely going to tell the judge that you were provoked but still, Bey. You gotta work on your temper. I just got you out of that bullshit that went down with you and Drake last year", Bryson reminded her.

In the summer of 2024, Onika had a hit song with Drake for his album. He brought her out on stage for a concert he did in LA. Beyoncè was also in attendance. Well, Drake did something that pissed Bey off. He did this...

Now, this was an innocent moment between Onika and Drake

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Now, this was an innocent moment between Onika and Drake. Drake loved Onika like a little sister because she's always been a huge fan of his. But Beyoncè didn't see shit innocent about him picking up her wife! So she raced onto the stage and punched him in the face! Causing his nose to break...

Bryson convinced Drake and his lawyer to drop the assault charges against Beyoncè. She paid for his surgery and also issued him a public apology. Yet she still felt like her actions were justified.

"That nigga picked up my wife on stage like she belongs to him! I put this rock on her finger! Her last name is Knowles! These niggas gotta know that I'll kill somebody when it comes down to my wife. I don't give a fuck", Beyoncè said.

"Beyoncè! Both men and women come on to you 24/7! Do you see Onika breaking noses and pulling guns on people?!", Solange asked.

"Look! Y'all know I ain't no angel and never claimed to be", Beyoncè stated.

"Yes you are, Beyoncè...You're my angel...and I don't want you to go to jail! Sometimes I wish we would've never became famous", Onika said. She buried her head in Beyoncè's chest and cried. Beyoncè just sighed and held Onika in her arms. She didn't mean to upset her or make her regret their fame. But when it comes to her wife.. Her temper gets the best of her.

Will she get better...or will her behavior get worse....?


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