We Need Answers🧐

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Onika had taken a nap after she and Beyoncè were done with their school work

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Onika had taken a nap after she and Beyoncè were done with their school work. When she woke up, she saw a light skinned, tall, handsome young man standing in the middle of the living room scrolling through his phone. But handsome or not, he scared the hell out of her because she didn't know who the hell he was!

She jumped up off of the couch. She was about to ask who he was, but her sister Solange came through the door. She ran over to her and said, "Solange! I don't know him!"

"Oh my God! How did you find out where I live?! See, this is why I don't entertain young niggas", Solange yelled as Onika held on to her.

"Ok, calm down, sweety", he said. But as we all know, telling a woman to calm down only makes her act up more!

"Calm down?! You ask for my number at my job and then I come home and see you in my parents house! Around my little sister who has ADHD and Autism! And you want me to calm down?! Are you serious?!", Solange yelled.

Beyoncè entered the living room with a glass of lemonade in her hand and said, "Solange, chill! That's my brother, Christopher.."

"Your brother.. I never knew you had a brother. I just met him at my job and he asked for my number", Solange said.

"I know! He texted me bragging about getting a girl at Target's phone number. When I found out it was you, I told him to come over. The three of us need to sit down and talk, Solange", Beyoncè said.

Once Onika found out the young man was her girlfriend's brother, she relaxed. She felt comfortable enough to talk to him and make eye contact with him...

"Hi, Christopher! My name is Onika and I'm your sister's girlfriend. Do you like Drake?", she asked. She figured since he was a guy she should ask him about a guy rapper instead of a girly rapper like Doja Cat.

Christopher smiled and said, "Hi, Onika! You can call me Chris. Sorry if I scared you. My sister told me about you. But yeah, Drake is my guy! I actually met him before."

Onika's face lit up with excitement. "You met Drake?! That's so cool!"

"Yeah, he was just chilling at my job one day", Chris said as he showed Onika a picture of himself and Drake.

"You both look very handsome", Onika said with a bashful giggle.

"Thank you, beautiful. And guess what, I don't have Autism but I do have ADHD. Sometimes it's hard to concentrate, right?"

"Yeah! It is...do you have to be homeschooled, Chris?", Onika asked.

"I went to a private school where the classes were smaller. So that I could learn better. But I actually graduated when I was 16. Now I take college courses online", he explained.

"Do you have to take medicine for ADHD like me?", Onika whined. She hates taking medicine.

"Yes, and I hate it", Chris said in an annoyed tone. "But when I forget to take it I have a really bad day. So I have to remember to take it", he added.

"Same! My mothers and sisters used to remind me to take it. But now Beyoncè does", Onika said.

Beyoncè and Solange were enjoying the dialogue between Onika and Chris. It was nice to see Onika communicating with someone who can relate to her.

"Chris, are you going to date Solange?", Onika asked.

"Um...that's what Beyoncè and I need to talk to her about", Chris said nervously.

"What's going on, y'all?!", Solange asked both Beyoncè and Chris.

Before they could answer her, Cicely and Karen walked in with Kierra and Lauren. They had just picked them up from school.

"Hello, young man", Karen said to him.

"Wait a minute, is this Christopher?!", Cicely asked Beyoncè with a big smile.

"How do you remember him, Auntie?", Beyoncè asked.

"He still has the same face! I haven't seen you since you were a little boy", Cicely said as she hugged him.

"His fine ass ain't no little boy no more", Kierra whispered to Lauren. But Karen still heard her. So she popped her lip and told her to watch her mouth.

"Ok, look! My brother is here because we need to find out if Solange is our sister", Beyoncè blurted out.

"Oh Lord! This better than any reality TV show on the air! Let me go grab some popcorn", Lauren said.

"Well he ain't my brother! How are you, Chris? I'm Kierra", she said as she bent her hand for him to kiss it.

Chris chuckled and kissed her hand. "Pleased to meet you, Kierra", he said with a smile.

"Why do y'all think we're siblings?", Solange asked.

"Girl....don't act like we don't look alike! I'm surprised Chris didn't notice that when he asked for your number", Beyoncè said.

"She did look sort of familiar to me actually. But anyway, do you know anything about your birth parents?", Chris asked Solange.

"No...not really...My birth mother arranged for me to be adopted by my mothers before I was born. Right?", she turned to her mothers to confirm.

"Right.. We met your birth mother when she was about 2 months pregnant with you. And your adoption was finalized when you were three days old", Karen said.

"Is her birth parents names on her birth certificate?", Beyoncè asked.

"When you're adopted as a baby, you're original birth certificate is replaced with an adoption certificate. So we've never seen her original birth certificate and the hospital isn't allowed to give out that information", Cicely informed them.

"Y'all know what y'all gotta do! Take y'all daddy on the Maury show and get that DNA test", Lauren said while stuffing popcorn into her mouth.

"You really think Matthew could be Solange's father, Beyoncè?", Cicely asked.

"Who is Matthew?!", Solange asked.

"Our father. He just got out of jail and wants to see me and Chris. I think we do need to do a DNA test to find out if our dad is your dad too, Solange", Beyoncè stated.

"Would you be cool with that?", Chris asked her.

Solange sighed and said, "Yeah...yeah, I guess so...."

And to that Beyoncè said, "Good..because we need answers.."


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