Finding Out

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Spirit dance studio Manhattan New York

June 20, 2021

Olivia waited outside the dance studio for her son.

A few minutes later Noah walked out of the studio with his friend and next-door neighbor Vivica.

"Mom guess what!" Noah said as they walked up to Olivia.

"What?" Olivia asked

"Vivica and I both got a solo in the next competition," Noah said

"That's amazing. Good job, both of you." Olivia said

"Thanks," Vivica said

"Hey Viv, do you need a ride home?" Olivia asked

"No thanks, one of my friends are picking me up," Vivian said

"Oh Okay. See you later." Olivia said

"Bye Viv," Noah said

"Bye, y'all," Vivica said as she walked across the street and walked down the road.

Noah and Olivia get into Olivia's car and pull out of the parking lot.

The next day

June 21, 2021

Olivia dropped off Noah at school and headed off to work.

The 16th precinct

"What do we have?" The first thing Olivia asked when she walked into the squad room.

"Just get a call. At Mercy General Hospital." Fin said

"Okay, Amanda and I will go," Olivia said as Amanda got up from her desk. Then they walked out of the precinct.

Mercy General Hospital

"Captain. Detective." The doctor said when they walked into the hospital.

"What do we have?" Amanda asked.

"Fifteen years old girl was found in an alleyway just a block away from here. When she was brought in she was unconscious. She is conscious at the moment. There are old and new bruises on her body. While she was out, they did a rape kit and found vaginal and anal tearing, consistent with rough sex. Also, she is one month pregnant. Looks like she's been abused for a long time." The doctor said

"What room is she in?" Olivia asked

"Room 161 just down the hall." The doctor said

"Okay, thank you," Amanda said as they walked down the hall.

When they walked into the hospital room they saw that the hospital room was empty. Amanda was just about to walk back out of the room when Olivia spotted something on the ground.

"There is something here," Olivia said as Amanda walked over to Olivia.

"What is it?" Amanda asked

"Looks like a school ID," Olivia said as she read the ID.

"Oh my," Olivia said

"What?" Amanda asked.

"Vivica is the Victim," Olivia said

"Vivica as in Vivica Taylor?" Amanda asked

"Yeah," Olivia said as she walked out of the hospital room.

"Excuse me, does anyone know what happened to the patient that was in this room?" Olivia said

"I just saw her leave the hospital a few minutes ago." One nurse said as Amanda and Olivia started running out of the hospital hoping to catch Vivica.

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