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Donghyuck's Point of View

"You truly believed that Minhyung had amnesia, Donghyuck?" Jaemin groaned at me, I could see the anger in his eyes, and in his voice tone. I'm sorry, I promised to God that I will wait for Mark no matter what.

"His brother said, and I believed him." I replied shortly.

"Why can't you just... Be mine?"

I took a heavy breath and closed my eyes. "You know how much I love Mark. I'll risk my life for him."

"Then you know how much I love you, Hyuck. And I could die for you too. Just, why? I gave everything, I've been here for you for a hundred thousand days. I love you even more... Why can't I replace Minhyung in your heart?"

"Na Jaemin, we talked this hundred times. How many times do I have to tell—"

"You're selfish. I couldn't even believe that you would choose a person with you for just three months and give him your undying love. The more I get mad at you, I don't fucking know why I'm falling in love with you."

". . . I pity myself for begging. Begging for your love more than best friend. We both suffered, and were stuck in prison. If you lived in pain because of Minhyung, then I lived too because of you."

My eyes grew heavy, and they all rolled down at the same time. I remembered the times Jaemin and I had spent together. He was always by my side when I was anxious. He always treated me as though I were his mother. I don't know why I couldn't love him as much as he loves me.

"I wanted to fucking give up, but I just can't dump you. I don't know if you still see me as your best friend. Minhyung was all over your mind, mouth and eyes. It's all HIM." Why does it hurt like shit? I don't know. My mind was overloaded.

"Jaemin... Can you please leave me alone for a while? I couldn't take it anymore. My mind will explode." I said under my breath, as I rested my back on the couch.

"You have the plan to make Minhyung back, right? I know you, Hyuck. But I hope you will realize that after 6 years, all of your tears were worthless. You wasted everything." When Jaemin eventually walked away, those words pierced my heart. I want to be filled with wrath. He doesn't have the power to say things like that.

Because it was so fucking heavy in my chest, I let it all out. I was overthinking everything. I was extremely frightened about my friendship, especially my unending love for Mark. I've wanted to blame myself, but I'm still optimistic that things will work out. I couldn't even breathe properly since it was so heavy.

Only God knows how much I love Mark. I'd give my life for him. I used to hang out with Jaemin and Sungchan. I admit that they made me laugh and smile for a short time. I adore the memories we've made, and I swear I'll never forget them. But I am truly sorry, my heart was looking for Mark.

I recognized to myself that I felt really fatigued, especially my eyes. Mentally, I'm beyond exhausted that I can't even hear my heart pumping. Since Minhyung left me 6 years ago, the world has been on my shoulders, and it's becoming heavier and heavier to the point that I'll just lay down and close my eyes forever.

I'm not a robot. I want to give up everything, I can't fight anymore. But I don't have any idea why I still continue fighting for Minhyung. Yeah, that's the word. My love for him was fathom. Knowing that Minhyung got into a car accident and had been comatose for two years, my blood has arisen. I could not stop overthinking, what if Mark changed a lot? What if the amnesia was permanent? What if Zoe was his end game? I do not know anymore.

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