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Donghyuck's Point of View

"Y-You must be kidding..." I asked while looking at Mark, I accidentally dropped the plastic up and the marker I was holding. I fucking hate these tears they won't stop, everyone was looking at me because of my swollen eyes.

"I- I'm really sorry. But I don't know what you are talking about. And, my name is Minhyung, not Mark." He slightly laughed and shook his head as if he was really innocent.

This is just a dream. Wake up, Lee Donghyuck.

"One cookies and cream frap. What size?" I diverted the topic out of the blue, I couldn't look at Mark directly. My heart couldn't beat anymore, I couldn't feel it.


A lady came into the shop. "Hi, babe. Did you order it already?" I saw in my peripheral vision that she clung on Minhyung's arm. I don't want to look anymore.

"One cookies and cream frappuccino, venti, for Mr. Minhyung." My trembling voice said Minhyung was surprised when I knew his name without even asking it.

"Wait, how- How did you know my name?"

"You may claim your order once your name is called sir. Thank you. Next please!" I showed my fake smile while looking at him. I was holding his tears back, everything was useless, for 6 years.

After one and a half hours, I saw Minhyung along with his girlfriend standing up already. I watched them, my feet desperate to chase them but I chose not. When the two vanished to my sight, I finally ran out to the shop. I saw the couple walking.

"Minhyung?" I called, the two stopped walking and turned their back around.

"I- I'm so confused. How did you know my name?" Minhyung questioned as he walked closer to me.

"You must be kidding, right? I- I thought..." I couldn't fight his tears anymore. I fucking hated himself for being weak, especially when it comes to my everything. Minhyung was my weakness. I threw a glimpse of Minhyung's neck, but there was no necklace on it.

". . . The necklace, where is it? Why don't you have it?"

"Necklace? You know, I'm sorry. I do not know you. I'm not the one you were looking for." Minhyung said, I glanced at the girl, my heart wounded, crushed and stabbed. I wanted to believe all of these were a nightmare. I wanted to wake up from this.

Can somebody wake me up? Please? I might have died tonight.

". . . Come on babe. Let's go." He added, as he held the girl's hand and walked away, leaving me standing alone, weeping soundlessly.

"The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping... I dreamed I held you in my arms. When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken... So I hung my head and I cried."

I began to sing our theme song. My voice was still shaking, as well as my hands. Minhyung suddenly paused as he heard the familiar song.

"You are my sunshine... My only sunshine. You make me happy, when skies are grey."

"You'll never know, dear, how much I love you. Please don't take... My sunshine away." I kept going, hoping Minhyung would remember who I was. Minhyung got an unexpected headache.

"Argh!" Minhyung grumbled and knelt, holding his head tightly.

"Babe! Are you okay?" His girlfriend asked, and she gave a lour stare at me. "Can you just please leave him alone!?"

"Mark...!" I was about to walk closer to my ex-boyfriend, but the girl blocked me.

"Babe! Hey! Come on, don't make me so worried!" I had a chance to get closer. Then I received a hard slap from the girl, My cheek tinted a reddish.

". . . If something happened to my boyfriend, you'll never want what I can do." I did nothing when the girl threatened me. Minhyung suddenly passed out, and the surroundings became black. I continued to wail, paralysed. My heart was exhausted and damaged, but it continued to beat for Minhyung.

The girl took a taxi along with Minhyung. I was standing, watching the taxi fade in my sight. I came back to the coffee shop, and someone held my shoulder. I looked up, it was Jinhyung hyeong.

"You must be Lee Donghyuck, right?"


"I'm Minhyung's brother. Would you mind me talking?"

Hyung and I sat on the bench at the park. It was completely quiet, the wind was strong, and I could see smoke from my nose and mouth everytime I breathed. I don't know but something happened to Minhyung. I was entirely nonplussed when he couldn't remember me, and perplexed when he suddenly fainted when I sang our theme song.

"I don't really know how to start this, but you have the right to know what happened to my brother." Hyung broke the ice between us, which made my blood go up to my head.

"What do you mean?" Hyung took my hand, and gave me the necklace. I remained silent while staring at my palm, waiting for him to talk. Of course, what do you expect? I'm crying again.

"It's been 6 years since he arrived in Korea. You know what , once he landed in Canada, he couldn't stop talking about his boyfriend. Every time he mentioned your name in our family, he was overjoyed. He was debating whether or not to send you to Canada. To be honest, he was attempting to save money. But you know, life has betrayed him."

". . . For three years, he could not really stop talking about you. He was sorely missing you. I could see how miserable he was. His eyes were swollen all the time. You and him were both surrounded by polaroids in his room. However, there was a time when we felt Minhyung would never wake up."

". . . My brother got into a car accident after three years. He got into comatose, he only had 10% chance to survive. Mom and dad were diagnosed with depression, as well as me. Will you believe that Minhyung was sleeping for two years? I was so mad. We did everything for him. I want to kill whoever did that to my brother, but he was sentenced to life in jail. Minhyung woke up and was alive last year. However, he was diagnosed with amnesia."

". . . The doctor said that it could be temporary or permanent. But as far as I know, his memories could be back. Donghyuck, this is your chance. Win my brother's heart again. I don't like Zoe for him. I know it will be hard, but I promise, if Minhyung's memories come back, it will be more worth it."

After hearing what happened to Mark, I'm speechless. My eyes welled up with tears, and I couldn't stop them. It was impossible for me to imagine. My mind was entirely empty, my heart had stopped pounding, and I was on the verge of passing out. I was nonplussed. But this isn't the moment for me to leave him. This is my chance.

I will make Mark Lee mine again.


Four chapters to go before the epilogue!!

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