Their Appearance

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Shota Yasojiro

Having pale - but not overly-so - skin, the redhead has a few freckles across his nose. His slightly wavy scarlet-like hair goes to his neck and tends to be unruly in the mornings, parting to his left. His eyes are a light green color best described as emerald. Shota has decent posture but does not always have a noble-like composure.

This redhead most often wears a fitted white undershirt with long sleeves, a black vest with a pocket that holds a grey handkerchief, grey pants, and polished black oxford shoes. Oftentimes, he will also wear a simple but expensive jeweled brooch his younger sister gifted him.

Takuya Miyahara

Having the palest skin out of everyone, Takuya is almost albino-like in appearance aside from his baby blue eyes. He has no marks on his skin, including scars or freckles. His hair is pure white, and curls out slightly near the top of his head, being straighter and less straying the further down his hair goes, ending an inch or two before his chin.

Takuya most often wears an oversized shirt colored white or black with long sleeves, slightly tight blue jeans, white and black sneakers, and occasionally a baggy pink hoodie, depending on the weather. He typically does not wear accessories, but sometimes has bandages on his body. 

Haru Akahito


Haru possesses caucasian skin that is neither tan nor pale and jade-colored eyes. He has no marks on his skin, including scars or freckles. His light brown colored hair is relatively straight, and he has one medium-length section of hair that drapes to the side of his left eye almost in the center of his face. His hair reaches to the middle of his neck.

The brunette most often wears a simple brightly colored t-shirt with an oversized black or dark green sweatshirt, light brown or black pants, comfortable sneakers, and a pair of vibrant green headphones over his ears or around his neck. Aside from his headphones, he does not possess accessories. 


Haru possesses caucasian skin that is neither tan nor pale and jade-colored eyes. He has no marks on his skin, including scars or freckles. His light brown colored hair is pushed back in a fashionable manner, wildly untamable, some strands of hair draping down on both sides of his face. His hair is cut shorter to his jawline, but when not pushed back, some locks are longer than others.

The brunette most often wears a white or black formal shirt with some buttons undone, a form-fitting green jacket with fake fur along its hood, dark green pants, and brown hiking boots. Along with his outfit, Haru often has an earring in his left ear in the shape of a star or power button and fashionable sunglasses. Haru is the only one that changes his appearance after falling for (Y/n). 

Rei Hirasi/Hoshino

Possessing light blonde hair that reaches to the top of his neck, Rei has slightly pale skin with deep violet eyes. He has no marks on his skin, including scars or freckles. His hair parts near the center of his forehead, swooping over his eyebrows both ways though more skewed to his left.

The blonde most often wears royal attire that consists of a white undershirt, violet vest, pure white jacket with gold accents and epaulets, white pants, and perfectly shined and white short dress boots. On certain occasions, he places on a white and violet decorated sash that decorates his status as a member of the royal family. Similarly, Rei typically pairs his outfit with his royal crown that consists of a gold base decorated with purple amethysts, diamonds, sapphires, and topazes. 

Yamato Hisaki

Possessing tan skin with a very light brown color, Yamato has a sun-kissed appearance. His hair is a dark brown best described as chocolate that is straight and controllable. It reaches to the middle of his neck, but the strands in front of his face are shorter in length than in the back. The male's hair color is almost the opposite of his vibrant dark yellow eyes.

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