Their Birthdays/Zodiacs

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In Insatiable where she is 16, and its continuing series where she is varying ages from 17 and onward to roughly around 21, (Y/n)'s birthday is around December 15th.

It is also essential to note that, only half of the boy's sequels are published thus far, meaning that some characters will have approximate ages for the plot I have planned. If this is true, they will have an asterisk next to their name. Note that when there are two asterisks, their age may not ever be confirmed. When official, however, I will remove it from their name.

Shota Yasojiro

In the original book, Shota is roughly 16 years of age and his birthday falls on December 3rd. In his own sequel, however, starting in the beginning, he is 19 years of age and soon turns 20. He is a Saggitarius, but also, Ophiuchus. If going by the original book, he is the youngest of all the boys, but one of the most mature. However, in Prisoner's Conviction, he is younger than Ryota while older than Hotaka.

Takuya Miyahara *

In the original book, Takuya is 16 years old, his birthday falling on March 16th. In his sequel, however, he is likely going to be around 18. Either way, he is a Pisces. In the original book, he is the second youngest of the boys, but in his sequel, Storm In A Teacup, he is the oldest between himself and Kota, his rival.

Haru Akahito *

In Insatiable, this brunette is 17 years old, his birthday on October 2nd. In his sequel, however, he will likely be around 18 years old. He is a Libra. He is neither the eldest nor the youngest in the original book, but, in his sequel, In Sickness and In Health, he is older than Orion.

Rei Hirasi/Hoshino

In the first book, Rei was 17 years old and his birthday, as he loudly and proudly proclaimed, is on July 5th. In this regard, he would be identified as a Cancer. In his sequel, he is 19 years old, eligible for the throne, which requires one to be a legal adult of 18 years old. In Insatiable, he was one of the eldest, second only to Yamato, but in his sequel, Our Strange Duet, he was the youngest of his brothers.

Yamato Hisaki

In the first book of the series, Yamato was 17 years old, becoming 18 in his sequel. His birthday falls on February 23rd, making him a Pisces. He was originally the eldest in the original book, but, in his sequel, Sora and Asuka beat him as his elders.

Akari Otsu *

Akari was 17 in Insatiable, making him the third youngest of the group as his birthday falls on November 8th. That being said, he will be roughly 18 years old in his sequel. He is also a Scorpio. And as he was one of the youngest in the original book, he is probably the youngest in those in his sequel, Icarus, between Narahashi and ???, but it is difficult to determine the latter's age.

Narahashi Shiko *

17 years old in the first book, Narahashi's birthday falls on August 10th. This would make him a Leo. In the original, he was the third eldest. Similarly, in the sequel, Icarus, he will be 18 years old, but it is again hard to place his age. He is most definitely older than Akari, but ???'s age is difficult to determine.

Sora Gensai

While he only had a small cameo in the original book, Sora is 21 years old, as was mentioned briefly when drinking and receiving sarcasm from (Y/n). In Macabre Moonlight, he is the eldest between Asuka and Yamato, and even over side characters like Enmei, Yusei, etc. Sora's birthday is January 11th, making him a Capricorn.

Asuka Chinen

Not existing within the first book, and having no mentions of her presence until Macabre Moonlight, Asuka was first introduced as being 19 years old. Her birthday falls on May 6th, categorizing her as a Taurus. She is neither the eldest nor the youngest between the other rivals, being younger than Sora but older than Yamato.

Kazuki Hirasi/Hoshino

Kazuki had a brief run-in with (Y/n) with his brother during the original book, but in Our Strange Duet, he is 21 years old. His birthday is November 22nd, making him a Saggitarius. He is the eldest in his sequel, surpassing both Rei and Ichiro.

Ichiro Hirasi/Hoshino

Similarly to Zuki, Ichi had a brief mention in the original book but was only there for one or two chapters/appearances. In Our Strange Duet, he is 19 years old and his birthday is the 18th of February. This would make him an Aquarius. He is the middle child between Zuki and Stingray.

Ryota Akiyama

Having no mention in the original book, Ryota has only had another appearance in Macabre Moonlight when speaking with Yamato. However, in Prisoner's Conviction, he is 19 years old, his birthday falling on May 22nd. As such, he is a Gemini. He is the eldest in his sequel, Prisoner's Conviction, surpassing both Shota and Hotaka.

Hotaka Ishikawa

Having a brief confrontation with Asuka from Macabre Moonlight and Rei from Our Strange Duet, Hotaka is mainly a character shrouded in mystery even while he, himself, provides information. Nonetheless, in Prisoner's Conviction, he is 18 years old, his birthday on January 15th. This makes him a Capricorn though he is far more suited towards being an ideal Libra. He is the youngest of all rivals in his sequel.

Kota Kita *

Seen singing and dancing on the television in Our Strange Duet, Kota has been given the least amount of cameos in any of the published books thus far and the least amount of insight into his character. However, in Storm In A Teacup, he is 17 years old and his birthday is September 29th, making him a Libra. He is younger than Takuya in their sequel.

Orion Trewin *

Probably having the most presence in any of the sequels thus far - despite not being a main character or a rival - Orion probably has the most known about him. In In Sickness or In Health, he starts as being 17, but through the process of the plot where his coronation approaches, he turns 18. His birthday lies on the 4th of January, making him a Capricorn. He is younger than Haru in their sequel.

??? **

Truth be told, in his sequel, Icarus, I am uncertain whether he will be the youngest or the eldest between all three rivals. While he suits either role, he will be either far older or far younger than the rest of the candidates, but that age is purely physical and yet not. However, it is quite difficult to describe what is meant by that without giving away what or who he truly is. As a character both tangible and not, living and not, old and yet not, there is no true place to put him. As for his birthday, it is ironically and yet not ironically in the sign of Virgo, his birthday being the 30th of August.

~ ~ ~ Future Rivals ~ ~ ~

Yusei Ido Nagahama *

Read Yusei's full name. If you don't get it, look at his full initials. In his sequel, Mochi, he is the main character but not a rival. But his birthday is May 27th, making him a Gemini. In Insatiable, he was 15 years old and the youngest, a grade below (Y/n). In Macabre Moonlight, he made a fuss about being 16 despite not looking like it. In his sequel, he will be the youngest, by a longshot, likely around 18 years old...because I have to make him legal.

???'s Accomplice **

Again, difficult to place their age, as they have long forgotten it, they appear to be 22 years old physically if in their true form. The eldest of any of the characters across the introduced Insatiable series, large or small, they have also forgotten their birthday. However, in their own sequel, which is still unnamed at this moment in time, they were given one, placed on December 13th, making them an Ophiuchus. Though they have no rivals in their sequel, they are the second eldest of any of the characters in it, second only to one character that has yet to be introduced to the Insatiable series.

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