Their Reactions Towards Losing

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How do the main 6 boys react when (Y/n) escapes/is taken by another boy at the end of Insatiable?

Shota Yasojiro

This redhead is the most desperate for love, meaning that he is heavily dependent on his relationship with (Y/n). Though she was quite distant from him and oftentimes furious, her mere presence was enough to calm his soul. Thus, when he woke up in the morning and found that (Y/n) wasn't there, the first thing he did was feel great anger.

The male began ravaging the area, pushing everything over, smashing everything he could get his hands up, and tearing apart the beautiful backyard. After he cannot find her, he sends out Okura, his caretaker and main butler, demanding he and the other servants find her. Of course, Akari covers his tracks, and he would not be able to find a single trace of evidence of where she went.

As Shota pieces together that he cannot find (Y/n) and that she has simply vanished from his life, he will burst into tears, his heart tearing him up from the inside. The redhead will cry until he has no more tears, but won't stop there. His eyes will turn a bloodshot red, far harsher than his hair color. He will make numerous attempts to gather anything he can find of her and hoard it, keeping it in a safe position.

When he accepts the fact that she is gone, he will be furious with himself for letting her slip from his hands and will become far more reclusive than he was before. He would hate anyone he ran into, becoming a cold and ruthless person, focused only on his younger sister and his family's business. Shota would cut off any and all contact with Takuya, Haru, and the others if it wasn't business-related, but would retain his utter hatred for Rei.

Takuya Miyahara

In this white-haired boy's eyes, he was born to become the best husband. When he fell for (Y/n), his wish was to fulfill her every desire and be loved by her. So, as the boy woke up early in the morning and attempted to sneak into the (h/c) haired girl's room before the others found out, he was shocked to find her gone.

Takuya had no idea what to do. Instantly, he was filled with dread and fear, and woke up everyone else, starting with Shota. He believed the redhead would help him find her, but to his dismay, there was no sight of her. So, when he acknowledged that fact, he fell to the floor and clutched at his heart. It was beating so wildly fast, he felt pain from the rapid beating of the muscle, making him cry out in pain emotionally, mentally, and physically.

The white-haired boy was filled with agony, and he found it was all pointless without her. The male began to beg his mother to hurt him with tears in his eyes, wanting to feel something over nothing at all. Though he tried, there was nothing he could do to get (Y/n) back and nothing brought him as much joy and love as she did. He lost a certain shimmer in his eyes along with his hopes and dreams for the future.

Disappointed with himself, and ashamed to face his father about the truth, he had told the man she had died. Even though his father was very helpful and supportive, Takuya never regained his original joy for living, and the only thing he would do was look for (Y/n) wherever he could. Sometimes he would go temporarily insane and just sit against a wall, tapping at the ground mindlessly. Other times - of which were more common - Takuya would talk to the first gift the girl ever gave him; the teddy bear she bought him at the mall.

Haru Akahito

At first, this brunette was largely confused at the situation presented to him. He woke up around the afternoon with everyone else in a panic. During the night, he had been playing video games and didn't understand the fuss everyone else was making. However, when he skipped away to (Y/n)'s room, opening the door, he found that she was gone. Haru simply chuckled at the sight and thought she was playing a game of hide and seek.

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