How They Would React To An "Altercation"

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When they weren't looking, (Y/n) slipped out of their line of sight. Panicking and looking everywhere for her, they were on the verge of ripping apart the entire country. However, they were surprised to receive a sudden phone call from the local police station. To their surprise, the younger girl had gotten into a fight and was arrested, being held at the station.

Shota Yasojiro

After Okura lost sight of the (h/c) haired girl, the redhead couldn't bear the thought of losing her. At first, he had imagined she ran away from him, but when receiving the call, he felt a source of entertainment. To think she would be confronting another so directly, he felt proud. Upon arriving at the station, he dealt with the issue quickly, ensuring she could return home. For some reason or another, he couldn't stop smiling and even complimented her on it. Truly, he never thought she had it in her, but whenever she went out again, he felt much better about her chances of self-defense. In fact, he even went so far as to gift her a dagger to keep on her at all times.

Takuya Miyahara

Honestly, the white-haired boy was terrified. When he learned (Y/n) had gotten into a fight, he looked all over to make sure she wasn't hurt, ignoring the police officer trying to get his attention. Even if she wasn't hurt, he nonetheless had tears in his eyes and clung to her, trying to get her to promise never to put herself in danger again. He had half the mind to kill the person she had fought with, but he was more concerned with making sure she never did it again. After that, he was entirely too protective over her going out, giving her bodyguards, and making sure she was unharmed after every outing.

Haru Akahito

With all of the cameras this brunette has provided to his father - free of charge - in order to install throughout the country, Haru has perfect surveillance over (Y/n) at all times. The technological revolution he sparked is very benefitting to him. To be honest, the software he implemented to track the younger girl and report to his "(Y/n) computer" likely informed him of the confrontation long before he received a phone call. He didn't particularly care very much about her part in the fight, but he was overly worried about if she was in any pain. If assured she was not harmed, he would dismiss the entire situation, but otherwise, he will cling to her the entire day until she swears she won't get hurt again.

Rei Hirasi/Hoshino

It is certainly bizarre for (Y/n), who has a profound fear of other people, to go out on her own without Rei. In fact, she typically begs him to come with her in the rare event she does want to go out, and if he can't, she won't go. As such, to hear that the younger girl had gotten into a fight made him burst out into laughter. Of course, his main priority was ensuring the public didn't get the news of their queen in a fight. That being said, when they returned to the castle, he couldn't hold his laughter in anymore, tears pricking at the corner of his eyes. He then proceeded to tease her on how it was attractive when she was upset and helped calm her down.

Yamato Hisaki

This brunette used to have a lot of confrontations with the police and could not stop getting into brawls. Of course, when he eventually did mature, it became commonplace for him to set a good example to those that looked up to him. As his lover, he does expect (Y/n) to do the same to a certain degree. At the very least, he never expected her to get into a fight. She was stubborn, he knew that much, but violent? That truly surprised him. He quickly sorted out the matter with the police and took the younger girl back. At first, he didn't know how to approach the issue, knowing he wasn't one to talk against violence. When he finally did bring it up, however, he was not upset, simply confused, and made it a point to instruct her to be the bigger person. Still, he did find it strangely attractive when he saw the toll she took on her combatant's body. For a few days, he attempted to avoid her, unable to process it, really.

Akari Otsu

For as long as he's been watching her, the blonde has been well aware of the younger girl's sympathy and caring nature towards others. As such, if he received a call that she was held at the police station for something such as a fight, he would become very concerned. Rushing there immediately, he would pay the fee or put up with the scolding from the officers, taking her home as soon as possible. After, however, he would ask the (h/c) haired girl to take her anger out on him instead of others. He would be saddened in himself, deeming that he was the reason she lost her forgiveness to other people, and in believing this, he thinks he should be punished for it.

Narahashi Shiko

The bluenette has seen the younger girl get into a few fights, especially when she was much younger. Though typically done for other people's sakes, it's not so unbelievable to see her in the police station. He would attempt to handle the situation smoothly, but would not take the girl straight home. Rather, he would take her to an ice cream shop and then to his house. They would play games together while he waits patiently for her to tell him what happened. If she doesn't, he would comfort her nonetheless, but he wouldn't push for an answer either way.

Sora Gensai

Certainly, crimes are no foreign idea to this ravenette. His entire livelihood revolves around people's darkest desires and how he can manipulate them to his greatest benefit. To hear that his girly was taken in by the police station for starting a didn't surprise him. She was stubborn and resilient and was constantly arguing with him even when she loved him, so seeing the toll taken on someone she supposedly hated was intriguing. Truth be told, he would likely walk into the station and tease her, claiming that she owed him big time. However, if he's feeling particularly sadistic, he may simply leave her there for a while before shooting the entire place down in a dramatic fashion. Either way, he's planning on scoring some points with her.

Asuka Chinen

Though she would have expected such behavior from Sora or Yamato, Asuka would have never thought (Y/n) would get into a fight. She would snicker at the sight of the younger girl behind bars but nonetheless help her out. The orange-haired girl would then ask about the fight's events, truly curious about whether or not the (h/c) haired girl came out on top. She would be pumped up about it, and likely ask for a demonstration of skill in the form of a playful sparring match.

Kazuki Hirasi/Hoshino

Learning to rely on this blonde, (Y/n) has never gotten over her intense social anxiety brought upon her by the intense reaction towards Rei's violence. As such, she typically only resides in her and Kazuki's home, too scared to leave. However, if given that phone call, the male would put aside everything and rush to the station, even speeding. He would be in tears by the time he arrived and would cling tightly to the younger girl. He wouldn't believe she was capable of such a thing and would take the opportunity to kill the combatant for frightening the younger girl and forcing her to lash out. He would then stay by her side at all hours and hold her tightly in fear for her safety; physically and mentally.

Ichiro Hirasi/Hoshino

This bluenette would be surprised, certainly, but he would not blame her. He used to be queasy to the sight of blood, and while he still is, his newfound state of bloodthirst allows him to understand even unnecessary violence. As such, he would pet the younger girl on the head, telling her she did her best. He would then take her home and treat her to a nice meal, taking her worries away and replacing her mind with happy thoughts instead.


To be frank, it delighted him. He watched as she beat the man to a bloody pulp, coating her lovely fists in that thick red liquid. Of course, he may have a...few...details wrong, but it nonetheless made his heart beat quickly. He wanted to be the one under her, his blood drawn by her attacks. It made him lose his mind, just the way he liked it.

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