Their Naughty Fantasies

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Shota Yasojiro

He wants (Y/n) to dress up in a beautiful gown with her hair done up and jewels around her neck and on her head in a princess-like tiara. After, he would like to dance with her in a ball just for them, romantic music, flowers, and stars above their heads. While escorting her back from their night of romance, she would place her hands on his chest and look up at him shyly, asking him to show his affection physically. They would have soft and sensual intimacy with one another, during which, he would whisper sweet things when he was particularly enthralled with her. When they both reached their height of pleasure and she sighed his name, he would want to hold her in his arms and mutter how much he loved her while kissing down her neck lazily. It would end perfectly if she said he did much better than Rei could ever dream of, telling him the blonde's nothing compared to him.

Takuya Miyahara

Though not nearly as hardcore a masochist as Akari is, Takuya enjoys mild sadism from (Y/n). He doesn't enjoy pain or anything of the sort, but he loves certain types of humiliation. For example, if (Y/n) were to touch herself or use a toy while moaning loudly and she told him he wasn't allowed to touch himself. He'd become aroused, of course, wanting nothing more than to touch her himself, but the pleasure plaguing him would make him beg and kneel before her, begging for stimulation. If she complied, he'd feel sheer ecstasy, being given permission to help pleasure her, in turn, pleasuring him.

Haru Akahito

Being used to others spoiling him, and coming from a long lineage of disgustingly wealthy individuals, Haru likes to have the undivided attention of his partner. As such, a fantasy of his has been to have(Y/n) as a servant for him. She would have plenty of gold and natural gems decorating her body and would dance for him in a sensual manner. After a time of teasing, Haru would pull her in to sit on his lap and mark her and caress her body as she praised him and begged for him to continue. Only when she kissed him more forcefully would be inclined to tame her through slow yet rough sex.

Rei Hirasi/Hoshino

Rei wants to get out of control when cooking, doing it on the kitchen counter. Preferably, (Y/n) would be dressed in a stunning and luxurious dress and would be cooking with him. But she would accidentally cut her finger just slightly. He'd lick off the blood and tsk his tongue, standing behind her and guiding her to cut vegetables to make sure she wouldn't hurt herself. It'd cause him to be excited by their close proximity and he would begin grinding on her. Unable to take it, he would rip her dress off of her and passionately kiss her onto the counter, leading to some heated and loud intimacy between them.

Yamato Hisaki

This brunette is the most timid when it comes to intimate things such as sex or kinks, but it doesn't stop him from having his own fantasy when it comes to his discretion. It comes from his love of being clean, enjoying showers and baths. He wants to take a perfectly warm bath before seeing a naked (Y/n) covered only by a towel. She'd give a shy look and ask if she could join him. In doing so, she would also clean him, massaging him with soap and, at the same time, turning him on. He wouldn't be able to take it, but she would then ask him to touch her, of which, he would happily oblige, leading to some, ironically, dirty activities.

Akari Otsu

Akari's fantasy revolves mainly around his sadistic tendencies and his want to be ravished by (Y/n). He wants to be seated on the edge of the bed with a gag in his mouth and tied up so his hands are behind him tightly and his legs given the same treatment, dangling over the bed. As (Y/n) would approach him in lingerie, he would become incredibly aroused, seeing the ribbon in her hands. She would tie it over his eyes, making sure he wasn't able to gaze on her extremely tempting body. Using him to sate her own needs, he'd want her to ride him, making him drool as she said cruel things to him, and bit him along his shoulders.

Narahashi Shiko

Because he is a very embarrassed person when it comes to sex or anything of the sort, Narahashi is sensitive when it comes to talking about it. However, he's always had a fantasy about him and (Y/n). He wants to film themselves being intimate with one another. The bluenette would never post it, but its very being would keep him on edge, something that would heighten his arousal if (Y/n) were ever to bring it up or during the actual act of making it.

Sora Gensai

This ravenette has had a fantasy for (Y/n) since the moment he saw her stubborn attitude towards him. He desperately wants her to come into his room in skimpy lingerie and sit on him, tracing over his figure and telling him how attractive he is. After, she'd go down on him, moaning his name and licking it all up when he finished. Only when she said that he was so much better than Yamato and that she wanted him to dominate her would he take her roughly, making her cry out his name. During that time, he wouldn't let her look away from his eyes, making eye contact the entire time. The ultimate result would be fucking her hard enough to wipe all thoughts of Yamato from her mind, making her enamored with him.

Asuka Chinen

This mercenary starts her own fantasy. She'd dress up in the sexiest lingerie she had and would pin (Y/n) onto the ground and whisper the things she wanted to do to her. After which, she'd watch the younger girl's reaction and slip down her underwear, placing one finger in her then two and moving at a torturously slow rate. Only until (Y/n) pulled her in for a strong kiss and flipped them around to where they pleasured one another all night. No boys allowed.

Kazuki Hirasi/Hoshino

Though he would never damage his reputation at work, he desperately wants to do the deed in his office right in plain sight of anybody else. He wants the thrill of being at risk of others seeing his beloved (Y/n)'s perfect body or hearing her delicious moans. It's something he wants to keep all to himself, but it gives him a complete rush to risk it all. He'd want her to dominate him and ride him while panting out his name, taking his lips and roughly using him for sheer pleasure. It would drive him insane, especially if she were to bite her lips seductively once or twice.

Ichiro Hirasi/Hoshino

If (Y/n) were to sweetly talk him into touching her, he wouldn't deny her. If she were to openly whine for him to do so, he'd do it with more enthusiasm. He doesn't have any particular fantasy in mind, he just wants to please her more than anyone else could, especially his brothers. Crying out his name, clawing at his back, and other more loving and slightly possessive actions will send him over the edge with both love and arousal. Her lewd faces will also make him desire her more, prompting him to give more effort in the act of making love to her.


Ideally, he'd like to have (Y/n) take him on the floor of the basement in front of all of the corpses he'd made for her. While she rides him, he'd love if she held a knife to his throat in the process or cut him, coating him in beautiful red blood. Preventing him from touching her, he'd be thrilled to hear her say things about how he was equivalent to the rotting corpses or how she should kill him when he reached his height of pleasure. He would be thrilled at being demeaned by her or harshly punished, especially if she licked up his blood during the actual intimacy.

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