Pet Peeves

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Shota Yasojiro

This male's never been fond of idiots or dense people though he holds Haru close to his heart. He cannot stand it when people don't know how to use correct word use or grammar and will correct them with a scowl. Shota especially the way people abbreviate words or think that the rules of grammar don't exist in texting. Unfortunately, it's just another way that Rei deems to mess with him, sending him texts that are only barely legible. This is one of the reasons that Shota rarely uses his phone. He also cannot stand being compared to Rei.

Takuya Miyahara

Though he doesn't display the feeling of hate, he certainly shows his uncomfortable and tense state when people he doesn't know, especially girls, approach him and compliment him. He hates it. When (Y/n) does it, it's a different story, but he hates it when anybody else approaches him, touches him, or compliments him, he utterly despises it. Fame and attention are not his thing. Being with Kota in public is another one of his pet peeves since he is often swarmed along with the famous boy. The same could be said for when he is swarmed in Vethela for being one of Rei's friends.

Haru Akahito

There isn't much else the brunette hates than when someone walks in front of the television, talks to him when he has his headphones in, or when the internet is slow. It's just common decency to let the gamer game, isn't it? Haru also despises it when people come up to him and ask if they can hold Bastien or play with him. It's his little brother. The same goes for (Y/n). He hates it when strangers stare and gawk at her. She's his lover.

Rei Hirasi/Hoshino

If anyone other than (Y/n) comes into his kitchen and starts to cook without a clue what they're actually doing, Rei will go crazy. Due to this, Kazuki and Ichiro dedicated their pantry and kitchen to him and stayed out of his way. While he is also largely uncomfortable about silence, the thing he hates the most is when people deem to be higher than him. He doesn't view many to be on his level and when people wish to aim higher, he'll knock them down a peg.

Yamato Hisaki

Simply put, his biggest pet peeve is anything of his or himself being dirty or unclean. This will often lead him to tidy up Akari or Haru, fixing their hair, clothes, or other things they have that are dirty. He also does the same to (Y/n), but he'll be embarrassed about it. Other things he despises include being shown disrespect no matter who it is. He also hates it when people show no sign of self-control or discipline, especially if people look up to them.

Akari Otsu

This blonde is greatly annoyed at lies or deceitfulness, especially when it comes to people telling him things about others to knock another down. This ties into the thing he despises most in the world; mankind. He finds them hideous, adverse to nature's beauty, and imperfect perfection. They cheat, lie, and steal from others to gain something themselves, and he despises it. Not everyone is as beautiful as (Y/n), inside and out.

Narahashi Shiko

Narahashi really really hates parallel parking. He's never liked it and he never will because he can never get it just right. Another one of his pet peeves is when he is referred to as a child by his brothers in front of (Y/n). It embarrassed him and he thinks it makes him look unmanly or unattractive to her. Another topic similar to that is when his brothers tease him about his crush on her when she's around, making kissing faces or hugging themselves. It makes him incredibly worried she'll turn around and see them doing such things. Then he'd have to make an excuse for them, hoping his brothers won't tell her the truth.

Sora Gensai

Though this ravenette despises hangovers and the pain they bring, he also hates the feeling of denial. Not being able to get something he so desperately wants infuriates him, especially if it's from someone who isn't anywhere near him, and that's...well that's everyone, really, except for (Y/n). People that think they can demean him or undermine him make him feel great rage, and they'll become his target to unleash that anger.

Asuka Chinen

Men. She despises them for the most part, especially due to her experiences in the past and with her brother and father. She also hates when the mood is too serious, preferring light and carefree experiences or situations. Her jobs get awfully boring, especially when things go her way too easily or if the men or women she's supposed to seduce don't interest her at all. It's not just men, however. Haughty women also infuriate her, like Seraphina, for example.

Kazuki Hirasi/Hoshino

Greed is one of the things that Kazuki despises more than anything else, especially after the events with his mother, his father, and his girlfriend. Each of them only cared about their personal gain and how they would be seen, neglecting the feelings of him and his brother. Selfishness ties in with this. He also despises his parents, getting on his nerves every single time. They sold him and his brother out, prized their youngest son above them, neglecting him, even ignoring them.

Ichiro Hirasi/Hoshino

This blunette absolutely hates it when people compare him to his brothers no matter the circumstance. It fills him with hatred at the way no matter what he does, he cannot catch up to them or be seen in the same adoring way they are. Bugs are another of his pet peeves. Though he loves animals, he absolutely despises creepy crawly things, especially ones with more than four legs.


There's nothing he hates more than ignorant fools associating with (Y/n) and taking away his precious time with her. In other words, Akari is his biggest pet peeve. He can't stand people who aren't as dedicated as him with (Y/n), and in his opinion, Akari wouldn't have let anyone stand in his way or get close to the person he loved more than anything. He also has an abhorrent hatred for deep lakes for a scarring experience in his past.

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