Their Children

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After Yamato's one-shot of his and (Y/n)'s kids, I've also become curious about what some of the other characters would be like towards their children, namely those with fatherly qualities (especially Sora and Kazuki who I imagine would have a rivalry between whose daughter or eldest is better).

Shota Yasojiro

Shota would have one baby girl with (Y/n) who would be named Aika. She has big green eyes and light brown, almost orangish hair. As a child, she would be very extroverted like her mother, especially after having Shota and Nami dote on her as well as Okura and other family servants. Not used to being alone, she is quite good at conversation. She has a talent for ballet as well as poetry. More in tune with her father's interests, she would be more classical than modern, but still very skilled at using different kinds of technology nonetheless.

After caring for Nami so long Shota is used to supporting young girls and knows just how to go about it. He is very calm and patient with his daughter, able to listen to her wholeheartedly and provide everything she needs to thrive. Very overprotective of his daughter, he would only allow her to go to a girl's only school and ensures she has bodyguards everywhere she goes. He would also have her take extensive self-defense classes. That being said, he would be very enthusiastic about each and every artistic endeavor she takes and will be greatly supportive no matter her results.

Takuya Miyahara

Takuya and (Y/n) would have one child as well, but he would be a boy named Hibiki. With bright blue eyes and black hair, he would be neither a true extrovert nor a true introvert. Though he would be very quiet, it's because he's always lost in thought. He would be very supportive of his father, speaking when he is too shy to and would be very interested in literature. A very obedient child, he tries to give more than he gets, but he is relatively hopeless when it comes to knowing just what to gift back.

Takuya, though he tries as best as he can, always falls a bit short in helping take care of his son. However, it's not at all because he is incompetent. Actually, he was quite dependable when he was very little, easily caring for him. That being said, Hibiki became incredibly independent at a very young age, likely an influence from his mother. After that, the only thing Takuya could do was support him financially. Panicking that his son didn't need him anymore, he even bought him an entire truckload of literature. That being said, his son admires him no matter what he does.

Haru Akahito

It's very much true that Haru wants children. In fact, his enthusiasm knows no bounds. He and (Y/n) had three children, two boys and one girl. One of the boys, Kairi, loves video games as much as his father but is often frustrated when he pummels them without mercy. Kyo, another of the boys, is often remarked by his teachers as a jokester, and quite enjoys making people laugh. Their daughter, Sai, on the other hand, is very hardworking and is proficient in numerous sports. All of them are spoiled beyond belief.

Haru, having raised Bastien virtually by himself, is well aware of how to raise a child. In fact, he truly enjoys the process and is a surprisingly good parent. That being said, it is important to watch him because he will spoil all of his children relentlessly. Money is not an issue for him in the slightest, and he will leap at the chance to buy expensive jewelry, consoles, etc. for his children. And yet, despite that, he is very good at consoling them, helping with homework, and giving them undying affection.

Rei Hirasi/Hoshino

Rei would have one son, Saboru, and one daughter, Tomoko. They would be very curious children and very outgoing as well, loving the attention they receive from their country and the palace. Also very confident, they pride themselves on being direct descendants of Ezdia. That being said, though they may be quite arrogant, they are angels in front of Rei in order to avoid being scolded or punished by him. In the presence of their mother, however, they find themselves incredibly honest and snuggly.

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