Chapter 1

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Walking down the road Johnny was flirting with the women passing him, whistling and flirting with them. Two blondes passed him, winking at him. He nodded at them, "Ladies." 

He kept walking until he reached a cafe and entered. All the tables were taken, but he saw a single woman sitting in the far corner table. He looked her up and down. She looked beautiful. She had Y/H/C and Y/E/C. 

Johnny walked up to her and cleared his throat, startling her. She turned back and looked at him, "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. Can I take a seat, all the other tables are full?" He asked her. "Johnny Storm. What's your name?" He held his hand out for her to shake.

"Y/N. Please have a seat." Y/N smiled at him.

Johnny sat down in front of her and a waitress came and took his order. He looked back at Y/N and saw her face. She had dark circles under her eyes and her cheeks were red. "Hey, Y/N you okay? You look pale."

"Y-yeah. Just broke up with my boyfriend. He was an asshole." Y/N smiled sadly. 

"I know I am  a stranger, but wanna talk about it?" Johnny offered. They were interrupted by the waitress bringing Johnny's order. Y/N hesitates a bit. "Hey, it's fine. I'm not forcing you."

"No. I just don't talk about it much." Y/N said.

Johnny nodded and took a sip of his coffee. "So what happened?" 

"My ex-boyfriend, he uh... he started becoming very angry about a month ago and he took it out on me. I told him to stop but he said I belonged to him and he could do whatever he wanted to do to me." Y/N said. "I broke up with him just one month ago." 

Johnny looked at her with wide eyes. How is she so strong after what happened to her? Johnny thought to himself. Something about her felt different and attracted Johnny to her. "You are a strong woman, Y/N." Johnny said.  "So tell me more about yourself." He said changing the subject. 

"About me?" Y/N asked him. Johnny nodded and leaned his arms on the table. "Well, I am a veterinarian. What about you?" 

"Well, I am a pilot. I fly spaceships, but I'm currently unemployed. My sister keeps scolding me about it all the time." Johnny laughed. 

"You have a sister?" Y/N asked.

"Yeah. The only family I have left." Johnny smiled at her. "What about your family?"

"I have a brother. He's a scientist." She said. 

"Wow. Smart runs in your family, I guess." Johnny said. He opened his mouth to say something but was interrupted by his phone ring. "Gotta take this." Johnny answered the phone. "Jeesh, calm down. I just came out for some coffee.... Yeah..... Okay. I'll be there. Bye." Johnny hung up. "I gotta go. My sister's gone mad." Johnny said. "It was nice meeting you, Y/N. Can I have your number? If you don't mind?" Johnny got up.

"Yeah. Here." Y/N handed him her phone. 

"Done. Text me so I'll have yours. Bye." Johnny leaned down and kissed her cheek. Y/N blushed. Johnny noticed this. "Can I call you later tonight?" 

"Of course. Is 10 okay?" Y/N asked. 

"Yes. Text me later. Bye." Johnny said. He payed for his coffee and left. Johnny started walking in the direction of his house when his phone dinged. It was a text from Y/N.

Unknown: Hey. It's me. The girl you met in the cafe.


The girl you met ~ Johnny StormOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora