Blood Upon The Page

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Katya ran her fingers up and down Trixie's exposed thigh as she listened to her subordinates and allies update her about their various deals and the outcome of them. She knew something wasn't adding up, knew that someone in the room was lying. Trixie had brought it up days before whilst trying to help Katya figure out why one of her casinos had suddenly started to loose money regularly.

"But Katya, these numbers don't make sense." Trixie said.

"What do you mean?"

"Look at the unit prices for drinks, they vary and become lower for these VIP tables." The girl said, placing document down on Katya's desk. "We price everything the same everywhere, right?"

"Yes, we're supposed to." Katya replied looking over the numbers.

"So then it makes no sense for these specific tables to pay less for drinks, and even worse, they're paying half for the chips used." Trixie said, placing another document down on the desk and pointing out the inconsistencies.

It was then Katya realized the clever scheme. See, prices being inflated was usually what caused worry. It was a telltale sign of someone trying to make a profit for themselves. This however was more concealed, only a few tables, only prices out of order for some, and the prices were lowered which was easy to play off as rookie workers making a mistake. Of course, there was in truth no mistake at all.

"Isn't it funny how you all sit here and speak of loyalty when one of you has boldly disrespected me?" Katya suddenly said.

"What do you mean?" A man dressed in a silver suit said. His hair was icy blonde, his eyes a cold shade of blue.

"Well Ilia, someone here has decided that they're above the Zamolodchikov Circle. They've decided that it's okay to take what's mine."

Trixie felt a tap on her thigh, and quickly understood it as a sign to rise from Katya's lap. Soon after standing she felt the Russian woman stand behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist and her other hand wrapping itself around Trixie's throat, gently squeezing. Katya was proving a point, showing them all that anyone in the room outside of the mafia boss herself was replaceable, demonstrating clearly that they were all disposable should they betray her. Trixie didn't love being used to prove the point, but she knew any sign of disobedience would put a target on her back.

No one stood up to Katya and survived.
But Katya would never hurt Trixie.

Therefor she had to remain still, had to let Katya's theatrical display continue, otherwise they would all know what the Russian's true feelings were. 

"Do you like her? Would you like to touch her like I can? Would you like to take her behind my back? Would you if given the chance?" Katya said, the hand not holding Trixie's throat now moving across her skin, groping her breasts, before traveling down to press her hips against Katya's own.

Trixie could feel the hungry eyes of the crowd, so many of them undressing her in their minds, imagining their own hands traveling across her sinful curves. Of course, this was Katya's intention, this was her bait.

"I know at least one of you would. One of you already thought they could take my possessions, and they thought I wouldn't notice. Funnily enough, that someone is also grabbing his own dick under the table right now. Once again disrespecting me to the utmost degree." Katya said, letting go of her grip on Trixie and signaling for the girl to sit back down in her chair. She also quickly squeezed Trixie hand comfortingly, a gesture the doll took as an apology and as a way of saying that she was still the girl Trixie knew behind the facade. 

Katya remained on her feet tho, a sinister grin on her face as she pulled out her gun from the inner pocket of her suit. Her signature weapon, a pitch black gun with a small Z in red rubies on it's handle. It had been her father's gun, one he only used for ally treason. Her simply pulling it out sent a chill through the room as they all knew what came next. 

"Alyosha... do you know that your name means defender? And yet you have not defended the circle, you have betrayed it." Katya said pointing the gun directly towards a bearded man in his late 30s. 

"I-I don't know what you're talking about... I did nothing, I swear."

"More lies... Even now you have the nerve to lie to me? It is... disappointing. Did you really think I wouldn't find out why Silver Spades was loosing money? You really think I wouldn't notice one of my top casinos suddenly not making a profit? The method had some style to it at least, I'll give you that. It was clever to bring down prices for VIP tables, of course, those prices were never truly brought down, were they? You told them you'd give them a discount as long as they kept tipping the workers generously, and so thinking they'd gotten a bargain, they tipped boldly and came back again and again. But it's strange, isn't it? They always had the same waiters and the same dealers, and all of those people were new staff. Perfect really, if the prices get questioned you can just say that they made a mistake since they're new. Of course, that all falls apart if one of them talks." 

Katya clapped her hands twice, and suddenly the doors to the meeting room opened, and a girl who looked to be in her early 20s was pushed inside. Her body was bruised, her makeup smudged and her hair a mess, and Trixie nearly flinched at the sight of her but she quickly composed herself. 

"Sara, you and some of your colleagues were instructed to keep prices low for certain tables at Silver Spades and give 90 percent of your tips from those tables to Alyosha, is that correct?" Katya asked the clearly frightened girl. 

"Y-y-yes." The girl managed to get out.

"It's a lie! It must be a conspiracy against me! She's a lying bitch!" Alyosha screamed out as he got up from his chair, but he quickly shut his mouth and sat back down once four of Katya's bodyguards pointed their firearms at him.

"Thank you for your honesty, Sara. You may leave." Katya told the girl calmly. The girl didn't hesitate, quickly getting to her feet and scrambling out of the room.

Katya turned her attention back to Alyosha, watching with pleasure as the man searched desperately for anyone who would speak in his defense. She shouldn't enjoy it, and yet a part of her loved the thrill of deciding the fate of those who double-crossed her.  With a smirk and a strong grip on her gun, she walked closer to the man, until she could press the barrel of it against is forehead.

"Let this be a lesson for everyone; any betrayal, big or small, will end with blood." The mafia boss said as the she pulled the trigger.

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