Red My Mind

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Barely three weeks had passed since the pair had gotten engaged, and already their wedding day had arrived. Trixie didn't know why Katya had rushed it so much, but she figured the mafia boss had just stressed that waiting longer would increase the risk of something preventing them from getting married. The young girl had quickly learned that in Katya's world everything needed to move quickly because there was such a high risk that tomorrow would never come.

And perhaps that was the most thrilling part of it all?

Putting your life on the line every day.
Walking on that line like a tightrope.
Waiting for the day when it's you who trips.

Nothing will make you feel as alive as the constant knowledge that death is around the corner. 

Trixie didn't know most of the guests, at least not well, most were Katya's business associates but the Russian had insisted that all of them had to be there. It felt strange, all of it did, but Trixie couldn't quite put her finger on what it was that made it feel so off. Of course the rush had something to do with it, but it wasn't just that. Katya had kept disappearing, returning to inform Trixie of another thing she had chosen in regards to their wedding, barely even listening to the girl's input. It wasn't like her. Katya had been secretive before, but it had never been like it had leading up to the wedding, and Trixie couldn't help but feel worried. 

Still, there she stood in her white gown, covered by layers of lace and tulle, embroidered pearls and small crystals from head to toe, ready to walk down the aisle. For no matter how great her worry, she could not say no to Katya. She could not leave Katya.  
It was ironic, she thought, how what was supposed to be the happiest and most romance filled day of her life was filled with thoughts of distrust towards her fiance. But sometimes our love is so complete that it consumes us past the point of reason. Sometimes love is worth the risk.

"Oh, there's the bride to be!" A familiar voice said.

"Bob!" Trixie exclaimed happily.

"You look stunning, Katya will loose her mind." Bob said as she walked around Trixie, inspecting the dress from all sides.

"Thank you. God, it's so nice to see a friendly face." 

"A lot of old business men here, huh?" 

"Yeah, it just feels strange... I think I always imagined a room filled with friends, my mom sitting in the front row, my dad giving me away. Silly really... I was always so mad at him and his schemes, but I still miss him." Trixie said sadly.

"It's not silly at all. You're allowed to miss them, especially on a day like this. But listen, it doesn't matter who that hall is filled with, all that matters is who will be waiting for you at the front of it. Okay?" 

"Okay." Trixie agreed with a smile and a small nod. 

Bob was right, nothing would matter as long as Katya was waiting there for her by the alter. The crowd could be filled with anyone, it wouldn't truly make a difference. Their love and the promises they would make in honor of that love was all that mattered. 

"Good. Now, are you ready to do this? They're waiting for you." Bob said, holding out an arm.

"I'm ready." Trixie replied, linking her arm with the other woman and leaving the dressing room.

As soon as they entered the hallway and stopped in front of the two large wooden doors, they suddenly flew open, revealing a large hall with small candles sparkling like stars standing everywhere. The room fell into silence except the soft music of a string quartet, as the crowd's gaze fell upon the beautiful young woman who had captured the heart of the infamous Katya Zamolodchikova. There were whispers as she walked through the golden hall, but Trixie paid them no mind, she was too busy admiring her fiance who was stood by the alter in a stylish white suit. 

Her Only Weakness ✔~ trixyaWhere stories live. Discover now