The Way It Ends

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The room fell into silence as the two men entered, and Katya immediately noticed all their men, who were already there, pull out their guns. The Semenov brothers were feared, there was no doubt about it. Katya herself had after all feared having to face them, but she remained calm, letting her anger at their crimes fuel her instead of her fear. 

"I would have thought you'd be smarter than this Katya. Acting on your impulses gets people killed, you should know that, or did you forget how dear old mommy died?" Andrei said with a smug smile.

"Don't you dare speak about my mother!" Katya yelled as she pointed her gun towards him, her anger taking over. 

"Easy, Kitty-Kat." He replied in a condescending tone.

"Katya, there's no need for violence, just hand over the file and we'll let you go on your way." Igor said, making Katya scoff.

"Do you really think I'll ever give that back to you?" Katya said with raised eyebrows, having calmed down again.

"Fine, you leave me no choice then. If you want to die like your mother we can arrange that." Igor said in a bored tone as he raised his gun, pointing it straight at her chest.

"Oh, I won't be dying tonight, Igor. You will." Katya said with a smirk before yelling out; "Now!"

All her allies stood up from their seats, turning towards all the men they knew were loyal to the Semenov's. Gunfire broke out, the room filling with the sound of bullets flying through the air, blood splatter quickly beginning to coat the walls. Katya ducked down and rolled across the floor before jumping back on her feet right in front of Ilia.

"Goodbye fucker." She said as she shot him straight in the head. "Это тебе за отца."

She was about to run towards Vlad when a strong hand grabbed hold of her hair, pulling her backwards roughly and throwing her on the ground. Before she could even catch her breath another man pulled her up harshly, his left hand wrapping around her throat, the other holding a gun pressed against her temple. She tried to turn her head, just barely able to see Igor's face before he tightened his grip around her throat. 

"Enough! Your dear leader will die today, from now on you will work for us, got it?" Igor announced loudly, shutting the room up, before he whispered into Katya's ear; "See you could have lived, gorgeous, but you just had to cause trouble, didn't you?"

"If I die for the Circle it would be an honor." Katya replied, spitting in the man's face.

"Your family and your fucking honor, what a joke." Igor scoffed.

Just then a loud bang filled the room, a metal vent flying off the wall and hitting Igor in the back of the head, enabling Katya to get out of his grip, quickly moving as far away from him as possible. 

"Get the fuck away from my wife!" Trixie's voice rang out as the girl jumped out of the vent, immediately shooting Igor's gun straight out of his hand. 

"Да пошла ты, гребаная сука!" Igor screamed out in pain, his right hand bleeding violently. 

 "Oh, are you gonna cry?" Trixie said mockingly as she shot Igor's knee, making the man fall down in pain. "Such a big bad mafia boss and you can't handle a little pain?"

Katya took the opportunity to fire two shots towards Andrei, both wounding him, but neither doing critical damage. She ran over towards Vlad, fire burning in her eyes. The man tackled her to the ground quickly, her back hitting the ground with a loud thump.

"Oh Katya, don't overestimate yourself." Vlad said mockingly.

"Fuck off, Vlad." She said before she bit his hand harshly and pushed him off of her. 

"Shit!" He exclaimed as he reached out to grab her. He took hold of her ankle, ready to pull her down again, but Katya took out a knife and slit his throat, his blood pooling around him. 

"Get them!" Igor yelled out, sending his men, who had been watching the scene unfold in pure shock, into action again.

As soon as Semenov's men started to move, the loyal members of the Zamolodchikov Circle did as well, whilst others ran out of the room out of fear, likely never to be heard from again. Trixie and Katya however focused solely on the Semenov brothers, just dodging any attacks that the other men tried to land on them to the best of their abilities. 

Trixie ran away from Igor who looked ready to tear her flesh from her bones, climbed up on the table past five men and jumped off it so she pushed Andrei to the ground, one foot holding his chest down. As Katya noticed Trixie running from Igor who was still down on the ground, she quickly cartwheeled over towards the man. Her boot hit him straight in the face, knocking him down completely. 

Katya grabbed hold of the large man, pulling him off the ground with all her strength, hurling him over her shoulder and slamming him down into the ground again. Trixie however was ready to do as she had wished after learning the contents of the ledger, and shot Andrei in the dick.

"Fuck! Ты гребаная шлюха!" Andrei screamed out, slashing his knife aimlessly towards Trixie's leg.

"Pigs like you don't deserve to fuck." Trixie said simply before shooting him in the head. "Or live."

"Andrei! Y-you stupid American s-slut!" Igor yelled towards Trixie as he saw his brother drop dead, coughing up blood after speaking.

Complete silence filled the room once more, the Semenov men all turning to see their second in command dead on the ground. They stood there in disbelief at how the strong and tall, infamous man, had been taken down by a young girl who looked like a human Barbie doll. And now even their leader was left defenseless by the actions of the same girl and her wife. 

"It's over, Igor." Katya said, standing above him with her gun pointed straight at his head. "I have waited years for this moment, and now I will finally be able to fulfill my father's wish and send you straight off to hell." 

"S-someone... Someone d-do something." Igor said in a weak voice, looking towards his men, but none of them moved. 

"I hope you burn in eternal hellfire. Goodbye, Igor." Katya said as she pulled the trigger, smiling as the light left the man's eyes.

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