We All Lie

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As soon as she heard the gunshot, Katya was on the move. On a normal day she'd fight back, show whoever the fuck it was that you don't mess with Yekaterina Petrovna Zamolodchikova. But Trixie was there, and the minute anyone realized that Katya wanted to protect her, the brown-eyed girl would have a target on her back.

"Come with me." Katya said as she took Trixie's hand and dragged her out the backdoor to where she had her car parked.

"What's happening?" Trixie asked in fear.

But Katya didn't explain, instead she simply said; "Get in."

Trixie didn't argue, realizing that whatever they were escaping was no joke. People were screaming inside the club, gunshots were being fired and glass was breaking.

Katya stepped on the gas and drove as quickly as she could, hoping that no one had seen her leave with the doll-like girl that was sitting next to her. She cursed herself internally, knowing that she was doing exactly what she shouldn't. But even though her mind was yelling out that she should drop Trixie off at the nearest bus stop and never think about the girl again, her heart was refusing.

Her foolish heart was reaching out for the doll, wanting for Katya to pull the girl closer and never let her go. Somehow those honey-brown eyes had her hypnotized, and she couldn't get her heart free of Trixie's trap.

But Katya wasn't stupid, she knew the girl wouldn't stay if she found out what the Russian did. She knew that Trixie would go running out the door if she knew that Katya was in the mafia.
How could she not?

Sometimes we lie to protect those we care for.
Sometimes we lie to protect ourselves.

And right now, Katya was lying to protect both things at once.

"Katya, what was that about?" Trixie asked.

"Just some guy who was pissed that I caught him cheating at my poker table last week. He lost a lot of money and blames me for it." Katya lied.

"Oh.. is it normal for people to shoot at stuff in your club for things like that?"

"Ehm... no, of course not. But sometimes things get out of hand."

Katya breathed a sigh of relief when Trixie just nodded instead of questioning the event more. Maybe her secret wouldn't be so hard to hide afterall?

"Wow, what is this place?" Trixie said as she gawked at the large gated mansion that they were driving up to.

"My house." Katya simply replied before turning to a small box by the gate. "Hello Charles, it's me, open the gate."

"Of course, welcome home Miss Zamolodchikova." 

The black metal gate opened and Trixie couldn't hide her excitement as they got closer to the mansion. It was everything a girl could dream of, everything she'd imagined as a child when she still dreamed of becoming a princess when she grew up.

"She would have loved this place." Trixie whispered, not expecting the other woman to hear her.

"Who would?"

"Oh.. ehm, my mom... She always dreamed of a better life, wanted me to give me everything... That's why dad got so obsessed with finding a way to get rich fast." The doll explained, thinking back to how their life had been before her dad became a scammer.

Back then they were poor, but they were happy. Trixie never wanted to leave Milwaukee. She liked living in a smaller town and loved seeing the seasons change. In L.A. they never seemed to truly move from summer to winter, the heat always present. But L.A. had work when Milwaukee didn't, and so they left. Trixie could never truly understand the decision though. In Milwaukee they'd had a house and true friends, but after moving they could never seem to find their footing, and she could never seem to really fit in. But L.A. was the town of dreamers, and God knows Trixie's mom was a dreamer.

The move took all the money they had, even though they'd ended up in a tiny apartment. After that the punches just kept coming. Her mom and dad's relationship turned sour because of their tight economy, so Joseph started coming up with plan after plan to get rich. When Trixie's mom got sick, he grew desperate, obsessed with finding success. She faded away as he dragged their daughter all over town to earn money. Trixie could never really forgive him for that.

"Are you close with your family?" Trixie asked.

"No, I've got no one left to be close to." Katya said sadly.

Trixie didn't push the subject further, and even if she did Katya wouldn't have had an honest answer to give her. There was no way to partly explain how they died. If Katya started, the doll would no doubt have questions, and the Russian couldn't answer those.

But maybe at some point in the future, if Trixie was willing to stick around, she could tell the girl everything.

Maybe, just maybe.

Her Only Weakness ✔~ trixyaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon