Off With Their Heads

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"Make sure no one sees you, for this to work they have to think I'm coming alone. They have to think that I've walked straight into the lion's den with no way out." Katya told Trixie as they pulled into the street where they had first run into each other.

Trixie thought of who she was back then, to her that naive girl seemed less like a memory and more like a different life entirely. When she had first learned of Katya's identity she had found herself thinking that perhaps it would have been better had she just taken a different turn that day, but now she knew that even if she was given a thousand chances to do it differently, she wouldn't change a thing.

"I know, I've got this. They won't see it coming at all." Trixie replied, her hand on the door handle, ready to step out of the car.

"Okay good, also... stay safe, please? I trust that you can do this, really, but just be careful." The Russian said, taking hold of her other hand, stopping her from leaving.

"I will, I promise. You be careful too." Trixie said, leaning over to kiss the Russian quickly. "I love you."

"I love you too." Katya replied, and then the girl was gone, running off into a dark alley. 

Katya took a deep breath before she drove around the corner, parking her car right outside of her club, making a point to draw attention to herself. She tossed her car keys to the bouncer who smiled at her, the man having been one of the first they had managed to get back on their side. He opened the red rope for her, letting her walk straight pass the long line of people waiting outside.

The club was full of people, as it always was on a Friday night, but the party mood soon turned to dead silence and shock among the patrons as they all laid eyes on the woman who was walking in the front door. People gasped and whispered, the name Katya being mumbled around the room as they stared at the mafia boss who was standing there right in front of them, surprisingly alive, in her bright red suit with a black lace bralette underneath her blazer, her notorious signature gun in her hand.  

"K-Katya?" One of Iliya's men stuttered after having pushed through the crowd to see if it was really her.

"Gleb! I heard there's a meeting of the Circle, but somehow I wasn't invited! How could that be?" Katya said in fake surprise. 


"Just lead the way to the room, Gleb." Katya said as she pointed her gun directly towards him.

"Да, right this way, Miss Zamolodchikova." He replied, immediately slipping into formalities.

Katya followed after him, smiling to herself at the power she still held over even those who were supporters of people who had betrayed her and her family. They could try to remove her from her position but nothing could change the fact that people feared her, nor that the Zamolodchikov name was feared. Still, she knew this wouldn't be easy, far from everyone would bend as easily as Gleb had. 

He lead her towards the meeting room on the top floor, the exact room Katya had been told the meeting would take place in. The double doors opened and there they sat, the entire Zamolodchikov Circle and their allies, but Katya also saw some men in the back with that familiar golden S stitched onto their jackets. 

"W-what is she doing here?" She heard Ilia whisper to Gleb as he pulled the man aside. Ilia then turned towards Katya and spoke with fake shock in a louder voice. "Katya, you're alive?"

"Yes, I am. And you know Ilia, somehow I think you already knew that." She said coldly, her piercing blue eyes staring at him with an insatiable bloodlust. Around the room whispers started to circulate, just as they had on the main floor. Some were clearly fearing how much Katya actually knew, others were expressing their surprise that she was alive, and some were speaking out of shock about Ilia's apparent knowledge.

"Wait, he knew?" A member of the Circle said.

"Yes Boris. Ilia knew very well that I was alive, and many others in this room did too. Most of all my dear friend Vlad, who helped plan my entire disappearance with me and then jumped on the chance to stab me in the back while all of you believed me to be gone." Katya said. "Now, where is that мудак?" 

"Katya! There is no need for such drama." Vlad said as he burst through the door, a drink in his right hand. 

"Hmm, somehow I think there is seeing as you have betrayed me and my entire family." Katya said, hearing gasps around the room from those who were not aware of the schemes, and fake gasps from many of the others.

"Betray is a very strong word, Kathinka." Vlad replied as he lifted the glass up towards his mouth. Katya lifted up her gun and shot a bullet straight at it so it broke into a hundred tiny pieces, the liquid dripping down his fingers.

"Betray is the perfect word. You have gone behind everyone's back and sold out the Circle to those who were behind the deaths of my family. You have known I was alive all this time and still acted as if the Circle was yours to do with as you pleased. You have aided in the murder of my father and helped the person who murdered him. You have betrayed the Circle, Vlad, and for what? Power?" 

"Oh no, девочка моя. Blood, Katya. It is always blood, you know that better than anyone. You speak of loyalty, well I am and have always been loyal to my blood. I am a Semenov, Kathinka, my father and my father's father were all of Semenov blood. Your dear father, was a murderer, he killed my father and sister, so I owe the Circle nothing."

"What?!" The members of the Circle said in outrage and shock as this was declaring a clear disloyalty towards the men he was meant to lead. 

"Oh, don't act so innocent. You were all happy to sign the unification deal, you knew we were meeting here today to unite with the Semenov братва́ so don't act as if it is such a shock now." Vlad stated.

Katya held her tongue for a moment, wanting to comment on Vlad's revelation but knowing she shouldn't. If she commented, she could risk getting emotional, and this was no time for true emotions. She needed to keep her poker face, needed to keep playing the game without revealing her cards.

"Ah, but you see Vlad, there's a big difference between what people will be happy to do when they think their true leader is dead and they're scared of loosing money, and what they will do when they find out they've been lied to. Loyalty comes from trust, more than anything else, and you've just lost it." She spoke with a sinister smile and a cold tone as she lifted her gun and pointed it straight at him.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Yekaterina." A voice suddenly said, the doors bursting open once more to reveal two men in their 40s, one slightly older than the other.

There they were.
The two men who had ruined her life.
The pair who were behind her loosing her entire family.

Igor and Andrei Semenov.

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