An Unlikely Protector

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They ran through a couple alleyways and up multiple flights of stairs until they reached a rooftop that was high enough to overlook most of the city.

"Where to now?" Tracy asked.

"Now we jump." The other woman replied.


"Yes, to the other building." The blue-eyed woman explained.

The gap between the two buildings wasn't very big, but it was a far way down if you slipped and fell.

"I-I can't." Tracy said frightened.

"Well fine, get caught then." The other woman replied nonchalantly.

Tracy couldn't get caught. She wanted a new life, a new beginning away from her dad's mess. She couldn't give up on that chance.

"Okay.. I'll do it."

"Great, I'll go first so you can see how it's done." The blonde said before walking backwards a couple steps and then sprinting towards the edge.
Tracy thought she'd fall down, but at the very last second the woman jumped before landing perfectly on the other side.

"Now you!"

The brown-haired girl took a couple steps backwards like the other woman had before sprinting forward and jumping, but she slipped on the edge as she tried to land. Tracy was certain she would fall to her death, certain that this was her first and last adventure, but the expected fall never came. The other woman had grabbed onto Tracy's wrist, her arm muscles prominent as she held onto the brown-haired girl.

"Take my hand." The woman said as she reached down her free hand.
Tracy did as she said and was pulled up swiftly, sighing in relief as she felt the safety of stone beneath her body.

"Thank you." Tracy said softly, holding her hand to her heart as she tried to calm it down.

"You're welcome, now let's get inside before anyone sees us." The blue-eyed woman said, earning a nod in response.

The blonde pulled out her keys and walked over to a door at the other edge of the rooftop, the other girl following quickly behind. She unlocked the door and lead Tracy down a red staircase into what seemed to be an office.

"Is this your place?" Tracy asked.

"It's a nightclub I own, but yeah this is my office." The woman said before sitting down in a red leather chair by a large mahogany desk.

"What's your name?" Tracy asked.

"Katya Zamolodchikova, and I'm sorry to say that you knowing that isn't necessarily good for you."

"Zamolodchikova... is that Russian?" Tracy asked, surprising Katya as the girl didn't even question the other half of her statement.

"Yes, it is, Katya is too."

"That explains the accent." Tracy said, mostly to herself, having noticed just a slight foreign accent when Katya spoke.

"What's your name?"

"Are you gonna turn me in?" Tracy asked nervously.

"To the police? No. Firstly; I want nothing to do with them. Secondly; I wouldn't have spent my time getting you away from them if I was just going to turn you in afterwards." Katya replied.

"Oh.. right, that's true. It's Tracy, Tracy Martel."

"Nice to meet you, Tracy. By the way, you can sit down if you want." The Russian said, pointing to a chair on the other side of the desk. "Why were they after you?"

"My dad... he scams people, like big scams... I hated it, but I still couldn't stand up against him, so I participated in them. And then... well, we got caught. I just.. I need to escape.. I gotta escape his world." Tracy said as she sat down.

Katya thought about how small the acts were compared to her own actions. The 24 year-old woman had grown up in the world of the Russian mafia, her father having been the leader of the Zamolodchikov Circle up until two years ago. Katya hadn't been prepared to be leader, but her older brothers had passed before her father did and so the torch had ended up in her hands. The Zamolodchikov Circle had committed more crimes then she could count, and yet here sat an innocent girl in front of her, so terrified of admitting that she was the daughter of a scammer.

Katya knew she should tell the girl, tell her that this was the last place she'd want to be if she wanted to escape her father's criminal life. But something in her stopped her from saying it. In her mind she saw the pretty, doll-like girl run out the door the minute she heard that she was in the presence of a mafia boss, and for some odd reason, Katya didn't want that to happen.

For some strange reason, she felt a need to protect Tracy.

Katya had sworn she'd never go soft, sworn she'd never let herself depend on anyone, never let anyone in. She knew the Russian mafia had no place for love, love was dangerous, most of all because it was a weakness.

But when she looked into those pleading honey-brown eyes, those beautiful eyes that made it clear that she was the poor girl's only hope, she just couldn't help herself.

She had to save her.
She had to protect her.
She had to take care of her.

"You need a new name." Katya  said.

"A new name?"

"Yeah, if you want to be free of your dad's past and get away from the cops, then you need a new name. Do you have any ideas? Any names you like?"

"Ehm... my mom used to call me Trixie Pixie, so maybe Trixie could be my name?" Tracy suggested.

"Trixie.. yeah, that will work. That suits you quite nicely. We will use Beatrice in your passport to bring it further away from your real name." Katya said, writing everything down on a piece of paper.

"Passport? How are you gonna get me a passport?" Tracy questioned.

"I'll take care of it. Now, you need a last name.... Let me think... What about Mattel?"

"Mattel? As in the toy company?"

"Yeah, you look like a Barbie, so it's fitting." Katya said, looking the girl up and down as if to mentally confirm the claim. "How old are you?"

"I'm twenty-two, my birthday was on the 23rd." Tracy replied.

"Good, that's good." Katya said, mostly to herself as she wrote down the information. "We also have to color your hair, you need a completely new look so that their ways of identifying you won't match up. What about going blonde, Barbie?"

"That'll be okay, yeah.." Tracy replied, feeling slightly overwhelmed by it all.

"Great, I'll have it arranged. Starting from now you are Beatrice Mattel, Trixie for short. As far as anyone knows; Tracy Martel is dead. To you she's never even existed. You have to leave her completely behind, can you do that?" The Russian said.


"Okay then, welcome to the world Trixie Mattel."

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