Things they do that annoy you

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⚠️toxic relationships, manipulation (specifically gas lighting), physical abuse, taking advantage of mental health⚠️



Need I explain?


He grew up surrounded by toxic people. And let's not forget this was the guy that tried to kidnap you and fuck knows what he could of done in your sleep.

He MIGHT try to be better but what annoys you is that at the end of the day he is a toxic person

He's very similar to Edgar in a way


He's clingy.

People will say it's cute and that it's horrible to find that annoying.

But after everything that happened Eve is overly clingy, it's not fault of his don't get me wrong but he's clingy to the point where he doesn't like it when you leave the room and when you need your space it will make him upset and be thinks you don't love him anymore


Before you found it annoying that she kidnapped you and drugs you.

Now a days after you opened up, it is implied that she lied about your friends so she is a pretty manipulative person.

That being said she cries when she doesn't get what she wants knowing full well it hurts you when she cries


His mood swings

One day he's cuddling you in a bed and telling you how much he loves you

And the next he is hypnotizing you until your brain might as well be melted and you loose your identify and forget who you are and who your family is



But mostly how he has this idle way of how he wants you to be and if you disagree with something of his (ie. You want to wear clothes) he is going to hit you


When he hides something from you (like he can control time to stop you from dying) he distances himself from you and you know when he lies to you

You've known him since kindergarden, you can tell when he's hiding something.


He's perfect at everything

He's programmed to help with your daily needs, he's all knowing.

He can cook, clean, draw, make things like a table, etc.

If you are good at something and you proud of it, prepare for your ego to be crushed


She's overly emotional.

There is a good chance that she is still in love with eve even after dating you. The thing is even if you talk to her about it and how much it hurts you she'll start crying and playing the victim.

Or if your having a day when you just don't feel like talking to anyone and you need some space (since it's implied the mc from hypno's has some mental health issues) she'll start crying and accusing you of hating her


Sometimes his tsundere self and fear of getting close to people can go to far.

All though I don't imagine it being often, there have been a couple of times when he's taking his insults and distancing himself too far and he's actually hurt your feelings without meaning to



But mostly how he can play with your emotions and knows he can do it.

There have been times when he's convinced you that he'll leave you alone for the day when petting your hair only to just grip your hair hard and rip a chonk out of your cheek.

He does it cause obviously he's a sadist and he loves that look of betrayal, confusion and fear in your eyes


Mostly his mood swings

Even before he left one moment he would be happy to see you and pick you up to hug you but then the next he'd be yelling at you over some petty shit.

That's one of the many reasons why you blocked him

And after be kidnapped you one day he'd be nice to you and maybe even let you out of the cage and help you walk but then the next day he'd let you out only to throw you onto the ground and make you regret ever blocking him


I can assume that from the fact he just straight up murked you he prefer things to be done quick and over with.

Which isn't good for a circus. Especially practice.

He's a impatient man, which annoys you

He wants things done right the first time so when it comes to practice, he annoys everyone.

He's a good boss don't get me wrong, but everyone has their flaws


He'd rather take things in his own hands then ask for help.

As clearly seen in the audio, he didn't call the police like any other normal human being.

Nobody knows what but something about his ego just makes him embarrassed to ask for help, especially some you seeing as he want you to see him as the reliable boyfriend.

(Just to be clear, its perfectly fine to ask for help and you shouldn't feel embrassed for not being good at everything. Nobody is expected to be good at every activity out there)

And it annoys you cause he'd rather spent 3+ (probably more) hours on building a desk then ask for your or someone else's help



But mostly that he knows what makes you be scared.

We can tell that in the audio he doesn't manipulate the mc but leading them into a false sense of security.

He manipulates the mc but making them fear him so bad that they can't find the bravery to fight back or scream for help.

That being said all he has to do is tell you what to do and you'll do it out of fear on what will happen if you don't.

He probably knows things that make you scared and if you have ptsd/ctsd or/and have a traumatic childhood he would know how to take advantage of it.

The word Manipulation gets thrown around a lot so loads of people would be able to say that they can tell if they are being manipulated when the reality is there they most likely don't even understand manipulation.

It isn't as simple as 'Emily wants to spend time with her friends but Josh doesn't want her to. Chad's a manipulater'

Manipulation can come in different shapes and sizes. Josh could be a good person at first and do all of these nice thing for Emily like compliment her and being her gifts and do her favours so her self esteem and confidence could rise up. Then from time to time Josh would say something like 'hey is your friend still dating ____ cause she was flirting with my friend earlier?' or 'your friend is acting weird around me and I don't like hanging out with her' etc etc. All of those words will fester over time and Emily will believe Josh because she'll compare all the good things Josh has done for her (he would most likely mention all the good things he's done for her if she has doubts) and thing 'but Josh has done all of these good things for me, he wouldn't lie. He's just looking out for me'

Emily will think her friend is a bad person and stop hanging out with her. Then Josh would of successful had Emily to himself

Sorry that end is so long I just has to explain it.

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