Would they propose to you

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Art isn't mine and
( ̄▽ ̄)👍




Never in a million years





If you even try to propose to him he will say no, take the thing and then sell it to get money

And then laugh at you for years for attempting that.

There is no chance with that heartless douche


Maybe one day

But give it a while like 5 years or so

It depends on how much time you can spend together and how well you both get along

Somewhere between 5-8 years

He would think about it often but be too worried about proposing until 5 years later cause he'd been worried that it's too soon

If you say yes he will hug you for hours. He won't cry but he will not let you go

If you say no he'll storm out and not say and word to you ever again. Unless if he has regrets on leaving


He doesn't know anything about marriage so give him some time

He doesn't know when it's too early or when it's too late and your done waiting.

And he really loves and and wants you to be forever with him

So he may do it a little early depending on your view on marriage (if you ever talk about it to him)

Maybe around a year or 2

I don't know if that's early for you or not but oh well





She always dreams about marrying you one day before you even met her

She's too shy for ask you so you'll have to ask her.

So when you get married its up to you when you think is the right time

She will 100% say yes no matter when you do it.

She kidnapped and chained you too her bed do you really thing she is going to say no?

She always talks to you about how she wants to marry you someday then when you were tied up on her bed.


He is most definitely going to propose

He most likely brain washed you to say yes.

And it most definitely took him a week to propose, and the only reason why it took a week was because he was choosing the ring to propose to you.

Also you don't have a choice, you're going to say yes.


Would the ring store even let a robot ask for a ring?

For fan fic logic yes they will.

Since he's a robot he has data on when you would want to get married, how you would want to be proposed to and what kind of ring you would like.

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