What dating Kai includes

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Art above is not mine (obviously)

If your a germophobe or/and like everything clean then stay away from his apartment.

But if you want to clean it he'll feel bad that he's relying on his partner to clean.

He's surprisingly good at cuddling

He also likes laying on your chest.

(No matter your gender)

He things it's comfy and warm.

You both cuddle often.

Of course he is a touch starved child, for obvious reasons.

He's self conscious about going outside so you both don't go outside often. Unless if you need to, you know to get food and stuff.

If you two get into a fight its probably over silly things like if goober is a word for scribble. None of you take it seriously, you both just yell and then be silent for a couple seconds then start laughing.

(My English is 10/10)

He will melt if you are in his jacket, especially if he comes into the room and finds you asleep while wearing it.

It's like he was shot in the heart by Cupid.

He does random moves on you to flirt with you, like cup your cheeks or pick you up bridal style.

And when you ask why he just says that he saw it in a movie once.

He'll clean the room when your angry to cheer you up. Do the same for him or he will stop.

He lays his head on your lap often, not in a perverted way he just thinks they are soft.

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