How/when you hug

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Is it odd that I find this adorable yet scary at the same time?



You don't

The closest thing to a hug is when he gets pissed at you and decides to crush you by wrapping his arms around you and squeaking you as hard as he can

Some people call it a death hug

I call it that one Jason kill where he popped the guys eye out

(You still have your eyes don't worry)


I don't see him as the type to like hugs or much affection.

Maybe to hug you from behind if it was a long day.

If you hug him he won't push you away as long as you both aren't in public.


It depends

At random times of the day he'll hug you from behind or chest to chest (depending on if your facing him or not).

But if you've been gone (like for groceries or at a job) then when you walk in the door he'll run to you and jump hug you making you both fall onto the ground.

He really misses you when your gone. And he gets anxious when you are gone for long, or a longer time then normal

(I should make a one shot of that)


Similar to Eve, when you've been gone she gives you a jump hug (or also known as the koala hug) when you walk the door.

She also really likes it when you hug her from behind. It makes her feel warm and safe.

When she hugs you she prefers to face you in a hug that wraps arms around the waist and the neck so she can kiss you.


Cameron isn't the type to hug often.

But if you ask he won't say no, you are the only acception because he loves you.

It's usually just a simple hug and only lasts for like 5 seconds usually.

If you hold onto him for more then that then after 10 seconds it's awkward


The man will skip through daisies if you ever hugged him.

Usually when he hugs you it's a hug around the waist or a hug from behind because he finds those romantic.

Or he wraps his arms around your waist while your both sitting together on the couch or laying down

"(Y/N) stop struggling! Let me cuddle you"


Most of the time it's a bear hug wear he squeezes you tightly and maybe lifts you up.

He hugs you often, I don't know what else to say other then that.

Usually when he's trying to stop you from doing something he gets you into a bear hugs with you arms trapped so you can't do anything

One time when you both hugged you both did a starfish dance

Yes you both created a whole new type of hug


Hugging mental, not that comfy and probably cold but you'll do it anyway.

He doesn't mind if do hug him or not.

Since he's a robot he probably knows when you want to be hugged.

If your the type to want hugs when your sad then he's on the job.

Most of the time it's a heart to heart hug.

And if your sad he'll hug you and pick you up and roll you into a blanket burrito.

If we ever get robots like in the sci-fi movies and mine doesn't wrap me up in a burrito when I cry then they're/he's/she's not getting my love


Like camelia and Eve she'll give you a koala hug. The only difference is that it's every time she sees you.

She likes it if you hug her from behind because she feels safe.

She also likes hug around the waist hugs and she nuzzles into your chest similar to a cat


At first, he wouldn't be much of a hugger but later on he'll find excuses to hug you.

"I'm just doing this cause it's cold"

"Well my arms need to go somewhere. Stop complaining!"

That kind of stuff.

Since he's tall as fuck it's often for him to wrap his arms around you. If your both sitting down then you'll be on his lap.

He mostly hugs you when he's cold and he's the type of guy that just needs a hug from time to time.

(Seriously who tf is Charlie? Our questions never got answered!)

He also likes heart to heart hugs because it reminds him that you love him.


You two don't hug

If you tried you'd get your arm bit off

Maybe.... Maybe some time in the future where he doesn't kill you and he trust you enough to hunt with him or maybe help around the house.

He'll give you a side hug for like a second to say 'good job'

That's it, that's all you get


Before he moved away then whenever he seen you he would run up to you and pick you up while giving you a bear squeeze.

Everyone found it cute, even you.

Now after you blocked him you don't get any hugs.

Maybe like one simple hug.


He doesn't hug much either, maybe on quick hug to celebrate you if you learned a new trick.

Or maybe on lazy days he'll hug you from behind while mumbling gibberish


He always gives you side hugs and let's his hand rest there as you two walk together.

If you ask for a hug he'll pick you up and give you a waist hug.

If your sad he'll pick you up and rest his chin on top of your head to imitate a hug

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