Sharing a bed

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Awwww what a adorable love sick yandere that hypnotised people for a living

Also get your minds out of the gutter, this is sfw


⚠️strangling, death, knife⚠️


Only if you both had no choice but to share a bed, like If there was only one bed and he doesn't have the energy to push you off.

But don't get too comfy you both are one opposite sides of the bed and your backs facing each other.

And he's a little shit so he takes all of the cover.

But he's a deep sleeper so you can put pen on his face if you want.

Or cuddle him if your sappy like that, but make sure to wake up before he does or else he will throw you across the room.

And If he wakes up and finds pen on his face he'll chase you around with a knife or wake you up by suffocating you with a pillow.

Or strangling you himself.

You: *making breakfast

Edgar running to you with pen on him: YOU LITTLE SHIT

And then he bangs your head on the counter.

Also, believe me when I say this.

Suffocate him in his sleep or straight up strangle him to death.


I can see him spooning you in his sleep even though when he first fell asleep his back was facing you.

He's actually pretty cuddly with you in his sleep.

But when he wakes up he won't pull away. You know until he needs to in order to have breakfast

(He probably doesn't have breakfast or has a unhealthy breakfast but what ever)

Sometimes through the whole day you both just stayed in bed while doing what ever like playing video games or just talking.

Of course only on days off when there is nothing to do

And he might let you sleep in his hoodie as he sits in bed and plays video games

(I really wanna draw that)


He probably has nightmares often so please comfort him.

You both probably wake up in the middle of the night but you don't mind.

So sometimes you both just head into the living room or just chat in the kitchen.

He's also really cuddly, sleeping or not.

But he becomes extra cuddly when he's sleepy

He's the small spoon, he feels comforted and he loves it.

Sometimes he falls asleep on your lap while you play with his hair.

Or he sleeps on your chest


She kinda forced you to share a bed with her on the same day you spoke to her.

To be honest sharing a bed with you was probably the best day of her life.

Before you started talking to her you always faced away from her while she cuddled your back.

Meanwhile, after you got used to being with her you both always share the bed with a honeymoon cuddle.

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