What if you escaped

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When I saw this picture it turned me into a kettle because I was laughing so hard


Edgar ⚠️violence⚠️

Oh he's pissed

Like 10 million Bakugou's pissed

You weren't answering his texts so he banged on your door and was in a pissed mood already

When you didn't answer he busted down the lock and walked in to see that you weren't anywhere

He called your parent(s)/guardian(s) (he probably acts nice around them like he does with the police)

When even they didn't know where you were he realised you probably ran away

'Ah shit here we go again'

All of his brothers and his mother ran away from him, he was beyond pissed that this was happening again

He trashed everything in your room and probably didn't even run after you to see where you were.

And he probably replaced you for someone else to clean up his red room after him.

Probably best to stay away at a 20 mile radius from his house or anywhere he could go cause if he sees you again after you ran away you are as good as screwed and you should right out your will as soon as you see a man with medium length black hair


There isn't any reason to run away from him

Except for the first audio when you ran out because he was a total creep

So I'mma just talk about that

During the time he didn't know anything about you and just saw you as easy pray compared to now that he sees you as his partner

During the time he was pissed because he knew that Edgar was gonna give him hell for it.

At first he ran after you but only to the doorway because by the time he got to his doorway you were nowhere to be found and you could of either gone left or right.

So he sighed and gave up


Again you weren't in any real danger so let's just say this is before he opened up to you and instead you escaped from hypno's

He was shocked and pissed, his predictions knew that you were Omega but his predictions didn't tell him that you would escape.

He got questioned for it by the others so he was beyond pissed at you.

It started when you didn't come to hypno's at all, he sent lambda after you because you two got a long well.

When she knocked on your door you didn't answer so she got gomma to break it down.

You weren't there and when the two looked around essentials like clothes, tooth brushes, wallet and stuff were missing.

So they knew you ran away, much to their surprise.

When they told Eve he wasn't happy

(Keep in mind he didn't see you as a romantic partner back then)

He sent the other members to look for you but none of them could find you.

When he started thinking about why you escaped it that started the realisation that hypno's isn't what he though and he just ruined everyone.

So a couple of weeks after he escaped and ran away too after he faked his death

(Goodbye Kai, you will be missed)

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