If you wore their clothes

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What a perfect drawing (⁎˃ᴗ˂⁎). I didn't make the drawing but it is amazing


Are you trying to die?

He would pull them right off of you, and not in a kinky way.

And just to be a dick he will throw them in the wash right away saying that your germs are on them.

The closest thing you will get to having his clothes is when he is not home and make sure to take them off and make them look brand new before he gets home.

He will notice the tiniest evidence, like a hair on the shoulder.

I heard he is 6ft tall, you would drown in his clothes.


You definitely stealed his hoodie.

He doesn't mind all that much.

He gives you his hoodie when you're cold anyway.

But he does find the height comparison adorable

He let's you keep it from time to time, but after a few hours he wants it back. It's his signature hoodie after all.

And of course this is Kai we're talking about so he will tease you about it.


The second he walked in a saw you wearing his clothes

*gta death noise*

He would be confused and ask you why you're wearing his clothes.

Unless if you're asleep, he knows not to wake you up.

Watch him try on your clothes.

The idea that you both swapped clothes and now it's just a common thing in the relationship is so adorable to me.


I really want that jacket she had on in the good ending.


She would absolutely love it and comment about how good you look in her jacket.

And I can see her wearing your clothes all the time.

Now it's a thing for you both to wear each other's clothes


I honestly don't know

I'm stuck in between if he would just not care and leave you in his clothes.

Or if he would stare at you while you sleep like the obsessive yandere he is.

Maybe in between

It depends on how tired and annoyed he is after work


Well it's not like you have any other clothes to wear since apparently he won't let you wear any

He will find it adorable when in reality you are trying to find some warmth in your life.

He'll let you wear is clothes..... As long as you don't try to escape again.

Sean's thoughts: they look so cute wearing my clothes

Your thoughts: finally some fucking clothes I am so cold.


I think you both swapped clothes for a laugh before you both got together

Unlike the others you two don't see it as romantic (except Edgar who sees it as bothersome) you both do it for laughs and giggles





She will squeal in exitement when she sees you in her clothes.

She would love it so much that she hides your clothes so you have to wear her clothes.

She also wears your clothes all the time.

Cause she's adorable like that.

(Jeez I'm simping for all the girls in k-verse)


This is Miles we're talking about

We both know that he will find it adorable but when you ask about it or show up in his clothes in front of him he will go all tsundere on you.

He won't stop you though

In fact he will do this sneaky thing where he leaves his clothes at your place by "accident"

Or if you both live together he'll put his clothes at the front of the closest

Specifically soft clothes that are oversized on you

Even though all of his clothes are oversized on you

Seriously he's 6'1



Do you wanna die? 😀

Like hell that man will let you off the hook let alone in his room to get the clothes.

I'm sorry (◞‸◟ㆀ)

You have no chance




If he's in a good mood.

He might let you out of the cage and wear clothes.

The chance is very slim though cause he'll just say "you have your own clothes"

The chance is very slim though, very slim.

You'll have to catch him on a good day


To be honest I do want that suit he was wearing.

He obviously knows your doing it to be cute and honestly he thinks you are.

But he will rip it off you because he needs that suit for work.

And I can see him having a closet with only clothes he uses for the circus.


Oh he will love it

Seriously the day he caught you wearing his clothes it was as amazing as slice bread.

Unlike everyone else he will ask you to wear his clothes.

Also be warned he will cuddle the fuck out of you when he sees you in his clothes

You can tell I'm trying my best to get over my writers block and I'm failing miserably

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