Chapter 8

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The next day, Kelsey wakes up and sees that Bucky is still asleep. She notices his hands around her waist and sees the bruising and cut on his knuckles. "Dammit Bucky." She slowly crawls out of bed and heads to the bathroom. She looks in the mirror and looks at her backside. Purple bruises line her hips, clearly visible as hands. She takes some ointment and rubs it on her ass. Thankfully, it looks worse than it feels. She sighs and heads out to the kitchen to make breakfast. "What am I going to do with you two." Bucky comes in from behind and kisses her neck. "Morning love." Kelsey shrugs him off. "What's the matter?" "What's the matter? The matter is that I told you not to go over there and hurt him and you did anyway. I see your knuckles Bucky. How bad did you beat him?" "I didn't hurt him bad. I punched him and he didn't hit back. He wanted me to tell you that he was very sorry and that he will come by today and talk." Kelsey can see regret in his eyes and she hugs him. "I forgive you. But we do need to talk about this situation. After we eat." 

Kelsey called the bar and had her shifts taken care of by the girls to give her some time off. She also had to find a new pool table to replace the one Steve broke. Bucky had been talking with Sam on the phone and apparently was getting a little more convinced to go on a mission. Kelsey is sitting on the couch reading when she hears a knock on the door. "Guys, it's me Steve." "Come in Steve. I am in the living room." Bucky walks in and sits next to Kelsey. Steve comes into the room and sits on the armrest of the couch, his head hanging heavy. "I just want to start by saying how sorry I am for what happened Kelsey. I don't know why I didn't hold back, but I hope that someday you can forgive me." Bucky reaches for her hand and squeezes. "Steve, I forgive you. Bucky explained all about Asgardian liquor and how it is very strong." She sees him smirk just a tiny bit. "But I do want to know, you said that you were upset that I got you to like me and Bucky. What did you mean by that?" 

 Steve has been thinking about this all night. He slides onto the couch next to Bucky. "Honestly? I'm not sure. I think maybe because you were the one that finally pushed us to be real with ourselves. And by doing that, I ended up falling for you too. It's like you're an extension of Bucky. When I saw you last night, something in me just needed to have you, right then and there. And I guess since you enjoyed getting eaten out so much that it spurned me on even more."  Bucky shifts positions to be facing Steve. "Steve, I am sorry for hitting you. I was just so mad and hurt that you would take out your frustrations on her like that." He cups Steve's face and gently kisses him. " If anything you should've called me. I can handle everything you can give." Bucky glances at Kelsey and she gives him a small nod. They had talked about this earlier. Bucky goes back to Steve and pulls him gently toward him and they kiss. He pours all of his love, frustration, and passion into the kiss and Steve takes all of it. Kelsey slowly gets up and moves over to let the boys fall onto the couch. As they start to undress each other, she goes to the bedroom. Steve breaks the kiss and looks where Kelsey went. "Where is she going?" "Don't worry, she will be back. This is just you and me Steve. Don't think, just be here in this moment with me." Steve stares at Bucky's eyes and kisses him again, this time with more urgency.

Kelsey comes back out in a simple night dress and watches the boys make out. The love and passion coming off them is beyond beautiful and erotic. She sits carefully in the lounge chair and simply observes. Bucky pulls off Steve's shirt first, then his own. "You are so fucking amazing Bucky." Steve sits up and Bucky undoes his belt and Steve unbuttons Bucky's jeans. They quickly remove them and are left in their boxers. Steve starts to kiss his way down to Bucky's inner thighs.  Bucky glances over at Kelsey and sees her just enjoying the show. "Doll, I know that you wanted to just watch us, but I really want you to be apart of this." Steve looks up at Bucky then Kelsey. "I couldn't agree more." Both of the boys get up and Bucky picks up Kelsey. "Bucky! Put me down!" She giggles as they go to her bedroom. He gently puts her down, so as not to hurt her. "Kelsey, I choose you and Steve. I need you both in my life and I want you both in my bed." "Steve's eyes start to well up and he gives Bucky a big hug and kiss. Kelsey sits up on her knees and hugs Bucky's waist. Kelsey looks up at Steve "I know we don't know each other all that well, but I want to make him happy. Are you willing to help me do that?" Steve bends down and cups her face gently and kisses her sweetly. "I want to make you both happy." Bucky leans down and pulls Kelsey and Steve into a triple kiss. Their moans and tongues start blending together as they all lay down on the bed. 

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