Chapter 14

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It was over a month till Bucky saw Steve again. Nat had started texting him a lot since her birthday. He liked her. She admitted that she knows about him and Steve and that she shouldn't have set the dare. He told her it was ok. Now he was on a mission with Nat, Sharon, and Steve. They needed to go to a club, find the targets, and follow them to weapons they were making. All four of them enter the club, the music pumping and the lights strobing all around them. "Alright guys, keep your eyes open. They're in here. Once you've spotted them signal the others. Spread out." Steve finishes talking and Bucky heads right to the bar. Nat and Sharon head to the dance floor and Steve walks around to the other bar on the opposite side. For the first few hours, they see nothing. Sharon gets Steve to go on the dance floor and Nat asks Bucky. He resists at first then Nat entices him. "You wanna make Steve jealous?" Bucky smirks and downs the rest of his drink. "Alright Romanoff." They get to the dance floor and Nat turns her back to Bucky and starts to grind on him, all while still looking for their targets.

Sharon spots one of the targets. "Got one, southwest corner." "Ok, go ahead and try to get close." Nat says as she and Bucky slink their way to Steve who is left alone on the floor. Nat pulls Steve in front of her and she becomes sandwiched between them. The music turns into a sexy song and Nat giggles as she sways her hips against Bucky and Steve. "You, know for two old men, you're both very agile." Steve chuckles and Bucky pulls her closer. "Doll, you have no idea how agile we could be." "I may have to test that theory someday. But for now, we have another target, the bar, 3rd stool from the left." Steve looks and sees the woman. "I got it." Steve leaves and Nat and Bucky continue dancing. She turns to face him. "You really should make a move hun. I could feel the tension between you two, and I have to admit, it was really hot." Bucky smirks. "Last time I made a move, he left me in the car." "And I properly slapped him for that. Look, I know you like him and I know for a fact he likes you. Later, after the mission, I will get Sharon out of the hotel and give you and Steve a chance to talk ok?" "Why are you so nice to me all of a sudden? I mean, I did shoot you and almost kill you several times." Nat laughs. "True, but, dying kinda puts thing in perspective. Plus, you and Steve deserve to be happy" "Thanks Nat." He kisses her on the cheek and they walk off the dance floor.

Later at the hotel, Nat makes good on her promise and invites Sharon for a little mini girls night. "You boys behave and don't be bringing strangers in here now." Sharon giggles and Nat just rolls her eyes. Before they leave, Sharon runs back in and suddenly kisses Steve. He kisses back, while Bucky and Nat look shocked. "Don't have too much without me baby." Steve hums and the girls leave. "So, you and Sharon huh?" Bucky goes to the mini fridge and pulls out the whisky bottle he brought. "Uh, yea. I guess." "You guess?" "It's either yes or no." "Then yes. We've been dating for about 3 weeks now." Bucky scoffs and whips the top off the bottle and chugs it. "Well I guess congratulations then." Bucky heads out the door and Steve hangs his head. "Dammit Bucky." He gets up and tries to follow him. He gets outside and he catches Bucky walking down the street. Bucky turns and leans against the wall of the alleyway. He chugs the bottle and when he sees it is empty, he throws it against the wall, shattering it.

Steve hears the crash and finds him on the ground. "Bucky, let's go back to the room and talk ok?" "No. I don't want talk. I am done talking." He wipes his tears and tries to stand up. "How are you drunk Buck?" "It wasn't just whiskey in there. Thor helped out a bit." Bucky giggles. "Fuck Bucky. That Asgardian shit?" "Language Cap." Buck snorts then laughs. "It doesn't last long so let me feel blissfully shitty ok?" Steve walks up to Bucky and gets close to his face. "You know what? Fine! Stay out here and be a fucking drunk like half this damn world. So what if I finally have a girlfriend? At least I'm moving on." "Moving on? What do I have to move on from Steve? I spend 2 years in Wakanda, ALONE, only to then be dusted for 5 FUCKING YEARS! I come back and my best friend won't look at me or even talk to me! Do you even remember what you said to me right before I fell off the rain that day in '45? YOU TOLD ME YOU LOVED ME!" Tears are now falling down Bucky's face freely. "I tried to say it back..." He is choking back sobs now. " but I fell before I could. So excuse me for not moving on as quickly as you, CAPTAIN." Steve stands there flabbergasted. He remembers that? He had no idea Buck remembered that. Hell, he barely remembered saying that.

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