Chapter 28

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A/N: Thank you for over 6k  views! Don't forget to comment and vote!!

Bucky wakes up to the smell of bacon and coffee. For a moment, he thinks he's back home, until he opens his eyes and notices he's in a different room. The events of earlier in the morning flood his mind and his morning wood becomes painfully obvious. "Oh fuck." He wraps his metal fist around his dick and quickly makes himself cum, using his boxers to catch everything. He gathers his clothes and puts them on, minus his boxers as they're covered in cum. He figures he will take a shower when he goes back home. He follows his nose to the kitchen and sees Kelsey dancing in the kitchen. She's wearing what looks like a long dress shirt that is hanging just below her ass. He feels his cock start to get hard again. Stop it Buck. You can't have her. Not yet at least. The music blasts and he quietly sits on the island, just enjoying the free show. She ends up turning around and she jumps in surprise. "Oh shit! I didn't hear you come in. How are you?" He chuckles a little. "Fine. You?" "A little hungover, but otherwise I'm good. I'm making pancakes and bacon. You want some?" "Sure, I'm starving actually." He watches as she bustles around the kitchen. "Here's some coffee for ya." She hands him the cup and as he sips it, the flavors shock him. He almost feels tears prick his eyes. She made it the way he drank it for years, until she left them. Kelsey sees him pause and she worries if she made a mistake. "I'm so sorry, do you not like it that way anymore? I can remake..." "No. Please no. It's just, been a long time since anyone made it this way for me." He sips it again, savoring the taste of the cayenne and the slight sweetness of honey. "A long time? How long has it been since you've had it this way?" He is hesitant to answer, but knows he doesn't want to lie to her. "Honestly, you were the last one to make it this way for me. I don't know why, I guess this was your treat to me so I never told Steve how I actually like my coffee. I usually just have it black with some sugar."  Kelsey feels warmth spread throughout her chest. He only drank it when she made it? "Well, you're welcome anytime to come over for some spicy coffee." He smiles gently and enjoys the rest of his coffee. After eating, they sit in silence for a bit. "I guess we should address the big fat elephant in the room huh?" Bucky smirks. "I guess so." "So, I want to apologize for last night. That wasn't fair to you and I was pretty drunk, but that is no excuse for my behavior." "No, it's fine really. I spoke with Nat afterwards." "Oh really? And what did my charming wife have to say?" "Hmm, that's between your wife and me." Kelsey pouts and it makes him want to bite those lips. "Fine. Be that way." "Look, there is nothing to apologize for Kelsey. Nat made it very clear that it was my choice weather to follow her into the room or not. I could've very easily gone to bed or even gone home. I knew what I was in for, or at least, I knew the context of what could happen. So there's nothing to be sorry for." Kelsey felt a weight lift off her shoulders. "Bucky, I want you to know that yesterday was an amazing day for me. I've been working a lot so it was nice to just hang out again. And the fact that it was with you was an added bonus. I miss our friendship." Bucky misses more than that, but he doesn't want to spoil this wonderful morning. "I miss it too." "We do need to talk about us though. I was thinking maybe dinner tonight? Here? Nat's latest case is gonna take longer than she expected, so she won't be home for a few days and I have tomorrow off. And nothing sexual, I promise." "Well that's a let down." He teases her and she looks a little embarrassed. Without thinking, he gets up and gives her a big hug. She sinks into him, smelling him and enjoying this moment. "I'm teasing. I can be here. The bar has a party booked tonight, but I won't be needed after 9." "Ok. Sounds like a plan." Bucky gathers his stuff and Kelsey walks him to the door. "Thank you for breakfast. I had a really good time yesterday and this morning." Seeing her blush makes him really want to kiss her. He slightly leans forward, but then shifts back. "Before I go, could I have your number? I don't want to keep having to go through Nat to talk to you." She laughs and types in her phone number. " I saved it under Cayenne, so that way if he sees.." "I understand. It's a good idea."

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