Chapter 1

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Kelsey loved her job. Owning her own bar had always been the dream. Today was not one of those days. She has had three unruly patrons and one sick drunk who messed up her bathroom. The only thing going good tonight was that her favorite person was here. Bucky Barnes was in here almost every night. At first he kept to himself and didn't talk to anyone. Then one night a fight broke out and he helped to break it up. She offered him a job as a bouncer as a joke and he surprisingly accepted. The only payment he wanted was free drinks. That was almost 2 years ago. Since then he has become her best friend.

"So, Bucky...when are you gonna tell me about your date with that one chick...what was her name...Lisa?" He takes a swig of his beer. "I already told you. It sucked. All she wanted to do was talk about my time as an Avenger or about Captain America." "Ouch. Sorry darlin. Better luck next time?" Kelsey wipes down the counter and looks at the clock. "Almost time...can you check the back room and see if anyone else is here? I wanna close up early tonight." "Sure" He tosses his bottle in the trash can across the bar. "Show off." He smirks and heads to the back. Just as the last patron was walking out, Kelsey hears the bell from under the counter "Sorry we are closed for the night." She stands up and sees a really tall, blonde guy standing at the bar. She can't help but stare into his blue eyes and admire him. 

"Hi, I was looking for someone. I heard he comes here often?" Kelsey remembers she has a mouth and starts to answer him when she feels Bucky behind her "What are you doing here Steve?" Kelsey then realizes that she was standing in front of Captain America himself, Steve Rogers. "Buck, its been a long time. How are you?" "Fine." Bucky can't believe Steve is here. Its been a few years and Steve still makes his heart skip a beat. "Again, what are you doing here? And how did you find me?" Steve sits on one of the stools and shyly answers "Sam told me where I could find you." " Well I told Sam to keep his mouth shut." Kelsey watches as the two men go back and forth. "Bucky I'm going to close up the back door and give you two a moment ok?" She reaches out and grabs his metal hand, assuring him she is here for him. Bucky looks down at the gesture and he gives her a small assuring smile. "Ok, thank you." 

Steve watches the interaction between Bucky and the woman. He feels a pang of jealousy and envy at the affection Bucky has for her. "So, new girlfriend?" Steve nods toward Kelsey as she disappears behind the curtain. "No. She's a friend and my boss." "Look Buck, I needed to talk with you. There's a mission..." And there it was. Bucky's heart sank when he hears that Steve isn't here for him. He is here to recruit him for a mission. " I'm gonna stop you there Steve. My answer is no." "Bucky please, we need you...I need you" Bucky can feel the anger start to come to the surface. "Don't do that. Don't you dare use my feelings for you to get me to do this mission." "I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to. I do need you on this mission. I need my best friend." Bucky tries to get a read on Steve. He hates when he does this. Steve conveys that he feels more than friendship when they are alone, but then treats him like a  friend in public. "I'm not doing this again Steve. I am finally able to be myself and not have to constantly worry about what people think of me." Bucky..." "James, can you come to the back please? I could use a hand."  Steve notices how Bucky immediately becomes intense and defensive. "Buck?" "Shh. She only calls me James when she is in trouble. Needing my hand is danger trouble. There's an ally way on the side of the building. Go around to the back door and I'll go through here." Steve realizes the woman was in trouble. "Got it." 

Bucky slowly walks to the back. What he sees stops his heart. Kelsey was being held at gun point and her hands tied behind her back. He can see a trickle of blood from behind her ear. She was hit in the head then tied up. "Hey, you ok Kels?" Kelsey looks up and relief washes over her. "Yea James. I'm ok." The gunman signals someone and they come up from behind Bucky and put a knife to his back. "The girl says you own the place and only you have access to the safe." Bucky nods his head. This is something him and Kelsey talked about in case of a situation like this. Bucky being a former elite assassin, he was more likely to survive an encounter like this. Bucky covertly looks at the back door and sees Steve in position. "Let me get the keys from my pocket." As Bucky reaches down into his pocket, the gunman pistol whips Kelsey and she lets out a painful grunt. "What the fuck man? I was doing what you asked!" "Hurry the fuck up then!" Bucky shifts his weight to the balls of his feet and whips around and breaks the arm of the thug with the knife to his back and knocks him out with one slap of his vibranium arm. Steve simultaneously kicks the gunman behind the knees and knocks him out cold with one punch to his head. 

Bucky immediately runs to Kelsey and unties her. She is sobbing and hugs him tight. Steve calls the police and it isn't long till the place is swarming with cops. After what seemed like forever, Kelsey was cleared to go home. Steve comes over and Kelsey goes over to hug him. "Thank you Steve." Steve hugs her back and looks at Bucky. "Steve, thanks man." "No problem really. Look about earlier," " Don't worry about it. Why don't you come by tomorrow and we can talk then ok? I think I just want to get Kelsey home." Kelsey and Steve separate and Steve give a reassuring smile to Kelsey and walks away. "Bucky ready?" "Yea...Bucky, can I stay with you tonight? I don't want to be alone." "Sure." Bucky takes Kelsey's hand and they both walk to his apartment. 

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