Chapter 3

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The next morning, Bucky wakes up alone in his bed. He looks around for Kelsey and is relieved when he hears the toilet flush. Kelsey comes out a few minutes later and hops back into bed with him. "Morning Doll" "Morning. How are you?" He kisses her sweetly. "I feel good. What about you? How's your head feel?" "Not bad." Kelsey curls into Bucky more and a thought pops in her head. "Bucky, I thought you said you didn't sleep in a bed?" Bucky chuckles "I don't normally. This was one of the first times in long time I slept in a bed. It was nice." Bucky turns over and faces Kelsey. "Kels, what does this mean for us going forward? I mean, I don't want to stop whatever this is, but you know what happened to me last time I was in a situation like this." Kelsey sits up and holds Bucky's face. "This is whatever we want it to be. I have wanted to be with you for a long time, but I didn't want to push. I know Steve broke your heart. I also know, that if he came in right now and proclaimed his love for you, you would jump him in a second." Bucky thinks about what she says, leans in, and kisses her passionately. "I don't want Steve right now. I want you Kelsey." Bucky leans her back and pushes her legs apart with his thighs. He opens her mouth with his tongue and she moans into his mouth which turns him on even more. Last night was desperation. This was making love. He slowly enters her and begins to move at a snails pace, savoring every sensation. Kelsey digs her nails into his back to make him go faster. "Patience baby, we have all morning."

Later that night at the bar, Steve is waiting for Bucky. He nurses his beer when the bartender asks him if he needed another. As he's about to answer, Bucky and the woman from last night walk in from the back room. By the way her lips are swollen, apparently they are more than friends. Bucky sees him and now he can't leave. He knew this was a mistake. Why would Bucky wait for him to figure himself out? "Steve, you came." "Yea. I did. I see she made it home ok." Bucky takes Kelseys's hand and takes her to meet Steve. "Steve this is Kelsey. She owns the bar. Kelsey, this is Steve." Kelsey reaches her hand to shake Steve's. "Nice to formally meet you Steve and thank you for last night." "No problem ma'am." Kelsey squeezes Bucky's hand "Well I have work to do, so I will let you boys catch up. Yell if you need anything." Bucky smiles as she walks away to help a patron.

"So, is she still just a friend and your boss?" Bucky blushes a little and Steve can't help but smile. "Well, I was actually fired this morning since she has a strict no dating co-workers policy. I don't know Steve. It just happened." "Well, I wanted to talk to about what happened between us." Bucky sits up a little straighter and listens to what Steve has to say. "Truth is Bucky, I miss you. I miss my best friend who was always there no matter what." Bucky takes a long breath. "Steve, I do to, but I can't change how I feel about you. I can't go back to just being your friend, especially when behind closed doors you act like you want more." Steve hangs his head. "Bucky, please. I am trying here." Bucky glances over at Kelsey who is laughing at something a patron said. "Steve, that woman over there gets me. She knows my past and she knows all about how much I love you. Yet she still chooses to be with me. You need to figure out what and who you want Steve. When you do, you know where to find me." Bucky gets up off the stool and goes to where Kelsey was waiting.

Steve grabs his jacket and tries to pay his bill. "Oh Kelsey said its on the house." Steve sighs and looks over and doesn't see Bucky anymore. "He went home." Steve turns around and sees Kelsey standing behind him. "Oh. Ok. Can you tell him I said bye?" Kelsey knows she shouldn't interfere, but she can't help herself. "Steve, can I ask you a question and I want an honest answer." "Depends on the question, but ok." "Do you love him? And I don't mean as a friend or brother." Caught off guard by Bucky's new girlfriend asking this question, he doesn't give an immediate response. " I ask because he loves you with every fiber of his being. He has spent the last 2 years waiting for you and just when he opens up to someone else, you dangle a carrot in front of him." Steve was taken aback. "Look Kelsey, you don't anything about how I feel or what's between Bucky and I." "Actually I do. He's told me literally everything. The failed poly with Sharon, the big fight, the stolen kisses in the 40s, everything. I love him Steve, and I think you do too." Steve rubs his neck and looks at Kelseys's eyes. " I don't know what I feel. I'm happy he's found someone, but angry at the same time." "I propose this. Come to dinner tomorrow night with Me and Bucky at my place. Just to hang out. See where things go. No expectations, no judgments. Sound good?" Steve thinks about it. "Ok. Here is my number. Just text me the address. What time?" "1900 hours soldier." Steve laughs at the time format. Steve gives a salute to Kelsey "Yes ma'am."

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