Chapter 11

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Kelsey checked out of her hotel and rushed to the De Gaulle airport. She had no idea how Sam was going to get her home, but she figures since he is Captain America, he can pull it off. Once she arrives, she texts Sam. 

I'm here. What now?

Head to the private planes area. 


Kelsey runs to the area where the passengers for private jets board planes and sees a man all dressed in black holding a sign with her name on it. "I'm Kelsey." "Clint Barton. Nice to meet ya. Come with me." After shaking his hand, they rush outside where she sees this huge jet. "Oh my god. Is this the quinjet?" "Yep." Sam comes off and hugs her. "Sam! I've missed you." "Me too." "So, can you tell me what the hell is going on?" "Come on. I'll explain on the way." Everyone boards the jet and they take off. She feels sort of nervous, sitting here with Avengers. As much as she was around Steve and Bucky, they never brought work home. "Here. Drink this." Sam hands her a bottle of water. "Steve and Bucky were on a mission tracking an enhanced individual." "Wait, I thought Steve retired?" "Yes as Captain America, but he still does missions from time to time." "Oh. Sorry. Please continue." "This individual had the ability to manipulate the mind and they caught the guys off guard." She listens and notices Sam sit up a little straighter. "They got into Bucky's mind and somehow they were able to dredge up the Winter Soldier." 

"Oh no. Bucky." Kelsey hugs herself and tries not to let her tears fall. "He attacked Steve and Steve had to defend himself." She understood what he was implying. "Once Steve had Bucky subdued, we were able to capture the individual eventually." She thinks about how he worded his sentence. "How long ago did this happen? You make it sound like it happened awhile ago." "It happened three weeks ago. The only reason I'm telling you now, is because I don't how else to get Bucky back." A sob escapes your throat. He's been the Winter Soldier for almost a month? "Why even tell me? I left them half a year ago. What can I do?" "I'm hoping you could get Bucky back. Between you and Steve, maybe you'll break whatever hold is on his mind." He stops and he indicates that's all she was getting for now. "Now get some sleep. It will be a few hours till we get back to the Avengers Compound, so I suggest you rest up now." 

Kelsey nods her head and is escorted to the back where Sam pulls down a medical cot. She lays down and cries herself to sleep. Sam hears her cry and feels guilty as he makes his way up to the front to join Clint. "Does Steve know that you left to go get her?" Sam hangs his head down. "No. I knew he would tell me not to bother, but I remember when she was around, it was the happiest I had seen Bucky in years." Clint gives him a look as he know Steve and Bucky are an item. "So she left him, then got with Steve?" Sam chuckles a little. "Not exactly. They were all together. At the same time." "Ah. I gotcha. Well we should all get some sleep. Something tells me the moment we land and Steve sees her, we may want to be fully recharged. "Agreed." Clint puts the jet in autopilot and they both go to sleep. 

Steve receives word that Sam is on his way back. "I'll be right back Bucky." The Winter Soldier growls "STOP CALLING ME THAT!" The Solider punches the glass of the cell and it vibrates, but doesn't crack. "My name is not Bucky." Steve sighs and heads up to the hanger. He sees the jet land and Clint is the first off the plane. "Clint, where did you guys go? You and Sam just up and left..." He loses his breath as he sees Kelsey come off the plane. She catches his eyes and they stop and stare at each other. "Kelsey?" She nervously bites her lip and looks down in shame. "Hey Steve." Sam approaches Steve with his hands up in defense. "Steve, I already know what your gonna say and I just.." Steve rushes past Sam to Kelsey, grabs her head and kisses her so hard, it almost knocks her over. Once she regains her balance, she reciprocates with fervor and grips the back of his head to pull him in more. "Well, I wasn't expecting that." Sam walks into the building, leaving Steve and Kelsey alone. 

She did not expect this kind of reception upon her arrival, especially after Sam told her that Steve didn't even know she was coming. "Kelsey." Steve pants between kisses. "We've missed you so much!" He picks her up and she wraps her legs around his waist. "Steve, I'm so sorry. You were right." "Shh. Doesn't matter. You're here now." He places her on top of a huge cargo box and continues his onslaught with his mouth. "Steve, wait." He stops and looks at her truly for the first time. She still looks at beautiful as when he last saw her that fateful morning. She leans her head against his as they both catch their breath.  "We can't. Not until we get him back." Steve nods his head and smirks.  "So, Sam told you what happened?" "Most of it, although I still don't know how I'm gonna be of any help." He lifts her back down to her feet and they come inside the building. 

Once inside, Steve introduces the rest of the Avengers. "Clint you know, this is Nat, Dr. Bruce Banner, Wanda, her brother Pietro, and Vision." Kelsey waves weakly " Hey." She looks at Steve and holds his hand. "When can I see him?" "Now if you want to. I have to warn you. He doesn't remember anyone or himself." They walk to the cells Kelsey's head filled with so many questions. "I thought he was fixed in Wakanda?" "He was, for the trigger words. The Soldier will always be apart of him, but he just keeps it in check." She nods her head as the approach his cell. The Soldier looks up and sees Kelsey. He pauses for a moment like he may recognize her, but then his face returns to the scowl she first saw him wearing. Steve comes up to the glass "Bucky, do you remember Kelsey?" "When are you going to fucking listen pretty boy. I'm not Bucky." 

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