Chapter 48

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(Two years later)

"How are you feeling Beautiful?" Marc asked as he brought her a bowl of cut up watermelon.

"I'm a beached whale, how do you think I feel?" She growled as she stabbed the piece of watermelon.

"You are not a beached whale Pookie," Sean smiled as he kissed her forehead before sitting across from her and started rubbing her feet.

"Yes I am, I'm fat and you're not going to like my body after and," She burst into tears just as North walked into the room.

"Oh Baby," North said picking her up, "We will always love you and want you."

"No you wont," She sobbed. "You're going to love the baby more than me."

"You silly girl, it's more like you are going to love the baby more than us," Victor laughed as he came into the room. "You are going to be so focused on our miracle that you are going to forget all about us."

"No I'm not," She sniffled as she calmed down. "I'm going to need help with the baby, I won't be able to do it all on my own. Even Dr. Sean said I will most likely go into a flare up so I won't be able to care for the baby very much. You will have to take care of the baby so you will forget about me and love the baby more than me."

"How can we forget about you and love the baby more?" Kota asked. "Seriously Ten, answer me. I want to understand how you think that."

"Newborns require a lot of attention so you will be so concerned about the baby you will forget about me or will only think about me as an afterthought," She mumbled trying not to cry.

"Darling, who is growing our miracle?" Owen asked.

"Me," She whispered.
"Who is our one true Love?" he asked.

"Me," She whispered.

"So how can we forget about you?" he asked. "Or think of you as an afterthought?"

A sharp pain went through her and she gasped. "Doc, I think she just had a contraction," North said as he rubbed her tummy making the baby move and kick his hand. He would never cease to be amazed every single time that happened.

"It hurts," She whimpered as another went through her. "It hurts," She cried as another went through her. "It's too soon, Sean, it's too soon."

"I know Pookie but you are at 35 weeks so the baby will be okay, I promise," He said, "But I doubt you will make it to the hospital at how close your contractions are. We are going to have a home birth Pookie, but it will be okay I promise."

"OWWWW!" She screamed clutching North's shirt and pressed her head into his chest.

"Doc, her water just broke," North said feeling his pants get soaked.

"I'm so sorry North, I'm sorry," She burst into tears.

"Baby, I don't care at all," he smiled as he gently kissed her. "You are about to have our baby, I could care less about my pants."

"Sean," She groaned as another pain coursed through her.

"Okay, Pookie, let's get you in the bed Gabe just finished preparing and let me see how far along you are," Sean said as Raven picked her up and carried her upstairs. North rushed to his room and quickly changed then went back to the room she was in.

The guys surrounded her and took turns holding her hands while she endured the contractions. Hours later she sighed, "I give up, I can't do it," She collapsed back into the bed.

"You are doing great Pookie," Sean said as he checked her again. "I can feel the head."

"I can't do it anymore," She shook her head, "I can't Sean, I'm so tired."

"I know but you are so close," He nodded. "Just one more push and we will be able to find out what we are having Pookie, just one more push."

"I can't," She sobbed. "I can't."

"Kitten," Raven said turning her to look at him. "Da can, one more time, now Kitten."
"I can't," She shook her head, "I'm too tired."

"Da can, for us," he nodded. "Squeeze hand push."

"Now Darling," Owen said as he stood by Sean in case he needed assistance.
She squeezed Raven and Silas' hands and pushed with all her might. "That's it Pookie, that's it! We have a little girl!!!"

The guys shouted in excitement as she laid back down. "You are the best Baby" North smiled as he gently kissed her.

"Sean, something is wrong," She frowned as she felt off.

"What do you mean?" he asked as Owen took the baby from him.

"I feel like I have to push again" she said trying to sit up.

"Okay," Sean nodded and knelt down to see. "Pookie, you never cease to amaze me," He beamed.

"What?" She asked confused.

"We are having twins!" he smiled, "Push Pookie, let's find out what our little surprise is."
"What?" she asked shocked as she grasped Silas and Axel. "No, I'm done, you said one more push and I did. You didn't say anything about twins Sean! No, I can't push anymore."

"Angelos Mou," Silas said softly. "You said you had to push, let's find out about our little surprise. You can do this. We know you can."

"Come on Doll, you can do this," Axel nodded.

She pushed and Sean beamed, "We have two princesses!" he held up the second baby girl who started crying. "We have two little girls, Pookie."

"I can't believe it," she said as she started crying. "Two baby girls." Owen and Sean put the girls on her chest and kissed her softly. "No more Sean."

"I checked," he smiled, "you are done. Just enjoy our miracles."

"Guess you have some more shopping to do now Gabe," Luke smiled as he started taking pictures.

"Fuck yes," Gabe said beaming. "You are the fucking best Trouble."

"Now we have to think of some names," Victor smiled softly.

"I like Amore Rose and Angel Raine," she whispered looking at the little girls that were attached to her breasts. "They are perfect."

"That they are," the guys said.

"I'll be back Trouble, I have some shopping to do," Gabe smiled and she frowned.

"Can't you do it tomorrow or online?" She asked. "Daddy Gabe needs to bond with them also."

"You're the fucking best Trouble," He beamed and kissed her softly. "The fucking best."

She looked down at their twin girls then back up at the men who had captured her heart. She was so thankful they helped her be brave enough to take a chance at true love.

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