Chapter 19

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Kyree shut the front door and locked it. She shut the blinds and headed up to her sparse bedroom. She pulled the burner phone out and opened the text message. She typed in a familiar number then in the message box she sent the thumbs up emoji. She hit send then shut the phone. She headed to the kitchen and opened the fridge. She shut it after a couple minutes when she realized she didn't have much to eat and didn't feel like gathering the courage to go out to the store.

She heard her phone buzzing and realized it was a call. She ignored it then rolled her eyes when it began buzzing with numerous incoming texts. She ignored it and went back to her room. She took a shower and decided to try and watch a movie to calm her nerves. She laid down on the bed and turned on the TV. She couldn't find anything to watch so she turned it off. Suddenly she froze, the air was different.

She couldn't really explain it but it just felt different. She felt her hip and gave a small sigh as she felt the pocket knife resting there. She pulled it out and flicked it open. She pressed up against the wall and held her breath. The doorknob turned and she grasped the knife tighter. The door opened and she swung her arm out to stab the person.
"Fucking hell Cupcake," Luke shouted as he grabbed the knife mere inches from his chest.
"Lucian!" She shouted dropping the knife and stepping back. "What are you doing here? How did you find me?"

"You weren't answering your phone so we had to come make sure you were okay," He said clenching his hand. "Hey Doc!"

"Is she okay?" Sean asked rushing into the room.

"Yeah but she surprised me with a knife," he said slowly opening his hand. Sean pulled him into the bathroom and started cleaning it up.

"Marie!" Lucy yelled as she burst into the house. She stood there frozen in confusion and shock. Lucy entered the doorway and stopped. "Damn girl," Lucy sighed shaking her head. "Do you know how fucking worried I was,"
"I'm sorry Lucy," She whimpered as tears started to slip down her face.

"Oh don't cry," Lucy sighed as she pulled her into her arms. "I was just so scared."

"I'm sorry," Kyree whispered.

"Why did you leave Baby?" North asked coming into the room slowly. She tensed up and buried her head in Lucy's chest.

"Why was she alone?" Lucy countered. "I told you she would be scared when she woke up and would panic and yet you left her all alone."

"We were just a couple rooms down having a meeting," Corey countered. "We didn't think she would wake up yet. She had only been asleep for a couple of hours."

"You couldn't have had a phone conference meeting?" Lucy asked not buying the excuse for one minute. "Do you want to come home with me for a bit Marie? Will and Rob packed up your stuff at your old place and have it stored but your bedroom stuff is in our guest room."

She barely shook her head, "He's going to find me again."

"No he isn't Marie," Lucy whispered. "He's in jail."

"No he isn't, he's out on bail," She whispered.

"Marie, look at me," Lucy said.

"Stop calling me that Luce," Kyree whispered.

"I'm sorry Kyree," Lucy sighed, "It's habit."

"Kyree," a deep voice said causing her to look up. There stood William and Robert. "Come here," William said in that tone that caused her to know better than question. She clasped Lucy's hand and walked over to him. "He is still locked up," He said handing her his phone. She read the text from the sheriff where he confirmed he was still in custody not even five minutes ago.

"But—" she started to protest.

"It was a flashback then your anxiety played on it," Robert shook his head. "Now look you opened some of your wounds." She looked down and sure enough there was some blood seeping out on her long sleeves. "Go have Doc change your bandages then get in the car with Blackbourne so he can take you back to their place so Doc can properly fix you up."

"But—" She tried protesting.

"You have three options," William shook his head and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "You can either go back to the hospital and have none of your comfies and a guard at the door so you don't run again, or you can go back to the Blackbourne property and have some of your comfies and have the guys protect you and only be grounded for a short bit, or you can go back to our place and only have Zero stuffy and be grounded for a month. You are being grounded because you know you are supposed to call either Lucy, me, or Robert when you wake up scared and you didn't, don't you?"

"Yes Sir," She whispered. "I'm supposed to call you and not run so I don't hurt myself and scare you and to make sure my mind isn't tricking me."

"And what happened just now?" Robert asked.

"I didn't call and ran and hurt my wounds and worried you," she whispered while playing with the hem of her shirt.

"Now which option are you going with or do I need to chose because you know what I will choose don't you?" William asked sternly.

She nodded, "you would make me go back to the hospital with no comfies," She barely whispered. "But I don't want to be grounded," she pouted.

"Marie," William warned.

"I'm sorry Sir," She whispered and began trembling. "I'm sorry." Her trembling turned into shaking.

"It's okay Kyree," William instantly dropped his sternness. "You aren't grounded, you're okay," He pulled her into his arms and rubbed her back. "You're okay, you're okay."

"No I'm not," She burst into tears, "I'm too fucked up."

"Language," Robert warned, "No you aren't but you can't stay here by yourself tonight. You aren't in the right state of mind and you have no food. You need to be with someone."

"I—" she started to say in between sobs but William's phone went off.

He answered it then sighed in frustration, "You don't get a choice, you're staying with the Blackbourne Toma team, we just got called out on assignment for a few days. We have to take Lucy to my mother's. The Blackbourne Toma team can watch you. No arguing."

"But—" she whispered, and William kneeled down to her eye level.

"You have nothing to worry about, they like your little tendencies. It makes them happy to take care of you just like it makes us happy to take care of Lucy. Now be a good girl and I will take you to the zoo when we get back," William said pushing her hair out of her face.

"Can I have my comfies?" She barely asked and he nodded.

"I will tell Blackbourne where my spare key is so he can send someone from the team over to get your stuff out of the guestroom and storage okay?" William asked and she nodded. He rose and nodded to Owen, "Blackbourne."

"Come on Darling," Owen said as he gently placed his hand on her waist and led her over to Sean so he could start cleaning her up.

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