Chapter 5

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A knock on her door woke her up, she groaned and rolled over but ended up falling off the couch and hitting her hip on the side of the table. "Owww," she mumbled as she sat up. She wrapped the blanket around her and limped over to the door.

"Baby, are you okay? What was that thud?" North asked leaning against the door frame.

She squeaked in surprise and tried to shut the door on him. He was quick and stuck his foot in the gap and pushed the door open again. "Go away," She sniffled, and he shook his head.

"Nope, we got your food and just told the delivery guy our order so they will be back later with ours, now what was that thud?" He asked walking in and picking her up. She tried to push away and get free, but he was too strong. "Stop right now before you hurt yourself," he said sternly, and she froze. He didn't know if it was automatic or just surprise, but he wasn't going to question it right now, "Now answer me. I don't like repeating myself."

She pouted then looked down at her blanket, "I fell off the couch," She mumbled.

"And?" He asked gently sitting them down on the couch.

"Hit my hip on the table," She mumbled wrapping her blanket around her even more.

"I'm sorry Baby," he said gently as he pushed some hair out of her face. "Let Doc take a look to make it better, okay?"

She started to shake her head but then stopped, "I'm fine, besides you need to leave," she tried to stand but he held her in place on his lap.

"I already told you the man is bringing our food so we're staying, besides we need to find out why you left without telling me this morning," he said, and she stuck her lip out even more.

"I already told you," She whispered as a tear slipped free.

He wiped it away and pulled her to his chest, "I already told you Baby there's no reason to be embarrassed about being scared of storms. We all have our fears, Gabe was just joking with you. Gabe is scared of spiders."

"Spiders are scary," she whispered Into his neck.

"Well, I don't think they are scary," he said softly.

"They can send you to the hospital and you can die from their bites," She whispered.

"That's true but I can kill them before they get a chance to bite me," North nodded.

"Not if they bite you in your sleep," She countered and he chuckled. "He's still a meanie."

North laughed, "True Baby."
"What the fuck did she say?" Gabe asked from her room.

"Gabe, get out of her room, you don't have permission to go through her clothes!" Luke shouted making her jump. "And she called you a meanie again."

"And she's fucking Trouble," Gabe countered coming down the hall, "Is that really all the clothes you have Trouble?"

She looked at North confused and he rolled his eyes, "Gabe is the fashion person of the group. Gabe stay out of her clothes!"

"But she barely has anything North" he whined. "It's not acceptable. And she only has two pair of Converse! She doesn't have any dresses or heels or anything girly! Victor help!"

Victor shook his head, "I'm staying out of this, Princess doesn't seem to be a girly girl. If she only wants Converse that's her deal."

She looked at North even more confused than paled and jumped off his lap and rushed to her room. She slammed the door shut and rushed to the bathroom. She reached the toilet in time and threw up.

"Oh Baby," North spoke softly holding her hair out of the way and rubbed her back soothingly.

"Ugh get out," She moaned just before she threw up again. "Don't see me this way," she pouted.

"It's fine Pookie," Sean said feeling her forehead. "I've dealt with way worse. Where's your Tylenol? You have a fever Pookie."
She pointed to under her sink, and he reached down to look. He frowned, "Owen, she doesn't have any Tylenol or Ibuprofen. Send someone to store to get her something for fever reducer."

"Can't take a lot," she moaned.

"I won't give you a lot of medicine," Sean nodded, and she shook her head. "You have an allergy?" She nodded then threw up again but this time it was just dry heaving, so it felt worse. "Oh Pookie," he shook his head.

"Sulfa, sulfur, sulfide, all kinds" she whispered, her head was resting on her arm which was on the edge of the toilet.

"What was that?" Owen asked and North repeated what I said. "Okay, I'll let Mr. Coleman know." Owen said as he typed on his phone. "The soup is ready. The chicken will have to wait for another day."

"Don't want it," she mumbled softly as she started to shake.

"Why don't you try and get some sleep then we will see," North said as he wiped her mouth and helped her to the sink so she could wash her mouth out. He carried her to her bed and covered her up.

"Blanket," She whispered, and he nodded. He went into the living room and came back with the blanket. He laid it on top of her comforter, and he smiled at the Nightmare Before Christmas blankets.
"Go to sleep Baby," he whispered as he kissed her forehead.

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